
Erreserba egin nahi al duzu?… begiratu tokirik baduzun pentsatuta dituzun datetan eta ongi etorria izango zara gure landa etxean…
Here you can create the content that will be used within the module.
When clicked the module will link to this URL.
Here you can choose whether or not your link opens in a new window
If enabled, gradient will be positioned on top of background-image
If enabled, your background image will stay fixed as your scroll, creating a fun parallax-like effect.
Define the method, used for the parallax effect.
All videos should be uploaded in both .MP4 .WEBM formats to ensure maximum compatibility in all browsers. Upload the .MP4 version here. Important Note: Video backgrounds are disabled from mobile devices. Instead, your background image will be used. For this reason, you should define both a background image and a background video to ensure best results.
All videos should be uploaded in both .MP4 .WEBM formats to ensure maximum compatibility in all browsers. Upload the .WEBM version here. Important Note: Video backgrounds are disabled from mobile devices. Instead, your background image will be used. For this reason, you should define both a background image and a background video to ensure best results.
In order for videos to be sized correctly, you must input the exact width (in pixels) of your video here.
In order for videos to be sized correctly, you must input the exact height (in pixels) of your video here.
Allow video to be paused by other players when they begin playing
Allow video to be paused while it is not in the visible area.
Admin Label
This will change the label of the module in the builder for easy identification.
- Default
- Georgia
- Times New Roman
- Arial
- Trebuchet
- Verdana
- ABeeZee
- Abel
- Abhaya Libre
- Abril Fatface
- Aclonica
- Acme
- Actor
- Adamina
- Advent Pro
- Aguafina Script
- Akronim
- Aladin
- Aldrich
- Alef
- Alegreya
- Alegreya SC
- Alegreya Sans
- Alegreya Sans SC
- Alex Brush
- Alfa Slab One
- Alice
- Alike
- Alike Angular
- Allan
- Allerta
- Allerta Stencil
- Allura
- Almendra
- Almendra Display
- Almendra SC
- Amarante
- Amaranth
- Amatic SC
- Amethysta
- Amiko
- Amiri
- Amita
- Anaheim
- Andada
- Andika
- Angkor
- Annie Use Your Telescope
- Anonymous Pro
- Antic
- Antic Didone
- Antic Slab
- Anton
- Arapey
- Arbutus
- Arbutus Slab
- Architects Daughter
- Archivo
- Archivo Black
- Archivo Narrow
- Aref Ruqaa
- Arima Madurai
- Arimo
- Arizonia
- Armata
- Arsenal
- Artifika
- Arvo
- Arya
- Asap
- Asap Condensed
- Asar
- Asset
- Assistant
- Astloch
- Asul
- Athiti
- Atma
- Atomic Age
- Aubrey
- Audiowide
- Autour One
- Average
- Average Sans
- Averia Gruesa Libre
- Averia Libre
- Averia Sans Libre
- Averia Serif Libre
- Bad Script
- Bahiana
- Baloo
- Baloo Bhai
- Baloo Bhaijaan
- Baloo Bhaina
- Baloo Chettan
- Baloo Da
- Baloo Paaji
- Baloo Tamma
- Baloo Tammudu
- Baloo Thambi
- Balthazar
- Bangers
- Barrio
- Basic
- Battambang
- Baumans
- Bayon
- Belgrano
- Bellefair
- Belleza
- BenchNine
- Bentham
- Berkshire Swash
- Bevan
- Bigelow Rules
- Bigshot One
- Bilbo
- Bilbo Swash Caps
- BioRhyme
- BioRhyme Expanded
- Biryani
- Bitter
- Black Ops One
- Bokor
- Bonbon
- Boogaloo
- Bowlby One
- Bowlby One SC
- Brawler
- Bree Serif
- Bubblegum Sans
- Bubbler One
- Buda
- Buenard
- Bungee
- Bungee Hairline
- Bungee Inline
- Bungee Outline
- Bungee Shade
- Butcherman
- Butterfly Kids
- Cabin
- Cabin Condensed
- Cabin Sketch
- Caesar Dressing
- Cagliostro
- Cairo
- Calligraffitti
- Cambay
- Cambo
- Candal
- Cantarell
- Cantata One
- Cantora One
- Capriola
- Cardo
- Carme
- Carrois Gothic
- Carrois Gothic SC
- Carter One
- Catamaran
- Caudex
- Caveat
- Caveat Brush
- Cedarville Cursive
- Ceviche One
- Changa
- Changa One
- Chango
- Chathura
- Chau Philomene One
- Chela One
- Chelsea Market
- Chenla
- Cherry Cream Soda
- Cherry Swash
- Chewy
- Chicle
- Chivo
- Chonburi
- Cinzel
- Cinzel Decorative
- Clicker Script
- Coda
- Coda Caption
- Codystar
- Coiny
- Combo
- Comfortaa
- Coming Soon
- Concert One
- Condiment
- Content
- Contrail One
- Convergence
- Cookie
- Copse
- Corben
- Cormorant
- Cormorant Garamond
- Cormorant Infant
- Cormorant SC
- Cormorant Unicase
- Cormorant Upright
- Courgette
- Cousine
- Coustard
- Covered By Your Grace
- Crafty Girls
- Creepster
- Crete Round
- Crimson Text
- Croissant One
- Crushed
- Cuprum
- Cutive
- Cutive Mono
- Damion
- Dancing Script
- Dangrek
- David Libre
- Dawning of a New Day
- Days One
- Dekko
- Delius
- Delius Swash Caps
- Delius Unicase
- Della Respira
- Denk One
- Devonshire
- Dhurjati
- Didact Gothic
- Diplomata
- Diplomata SC
- Domine
- Donegal One
- Doppio One
- Dorsa
- Dosis
- Dr Sugiyama
- Droid Sans
- Droid Sans Mono
- Droid Serif
- Duru Sans
- Dynalight
- EB Garamond
- Eagle Lake
- Eater
- Economica
- Eczar
- El Messiri
- Electrolize
- Elsie
- Elsie Swash Caps
- Emblema One
- Emilys Candy
- Encode Sans
- Encode Sans Condensed
- Encode Sans Expanded
- Encode Sans Semi Condensed
- Encode Sans Semi Expanded
- Engagement
- Englebert
- Enriqueta
- Erica One
- Esteban
- Euphoria Script
- Ewert
- Exo
- Exo 2
- Expletus Sans
- Fanwood Text
- Farsan
- Fascinate
- Fascinate Inline
- Faster One
- Fasthand
- Fauna One
- Faustina
- Federant
- Federo
- Felipa
- Fenix
- Finger Paint
- Fira Mono
- Fira Sans
- Fira Sans Condensed
- Fira Sans Extra Condensed
- Fjalla One
- Fjord One
- Flamenco
- Flavors
- Fondamento
- Fontdiner Swanky
- Forum
- Francois One
- Frank Ruhl Libre
- Freckle Face
- Fredericka the Great
- Fredoka One
- Freehand
- Fresca
- Frijole
- Fruktur
- Fugaz One
- GFS Didot
- GFS Neohellenic
- Gabriela
- Gafata
- Galada
- Galdeano
- Galindo
- Gentium Basic
- Gentium Book Basic
- Geo
- Geostar
- Geostar Fill
- Germania One
- Gidugu
- Gilda Display
- Give You Glory
- Glass Antiqua
- Glegoo
- Gloria Hallelujah
- Goblin One
- Gochi Hand
- Gorditas
- Goudy Bookletter 1911
- Graduate
- Grand Hotel
- Gravitas One
- Great Vibes
- Griffy
- Gruppo
- Gudea
- Gurajada
- Habibi
- Halant
- Hammersmith One
- Hanalei
- Hanalei Fill
- Handlee
- Hanuman
- Happy Monkey
- Harmattan
- Headland One
- Heebo
- Henny Penny
- Herr Von Muellerhoff
- Hind
- Hind Guntur
- Hind Madurai
- Hind Siliguri
- Hind Vadodara
- Holtwood One SC
- Homemade Apple
- Homenaje
- IM Fell DW Pica
- IM Fell DW Pica SC
- IM Fell Double Pica
- IM Fell Double Pica SC
- IM Fell English
- IM Fell English SC
- IM Fell French Canon
- IM Fell French Canon SC
- IM Fell Great Primer
- IM Fell Great Primer SC
- Iceberg
- Iceland
- Imprima
- Inconsolata
- Inder
- Indie Flower
- Inika
- Inknut Antiqua
- Irish Grover
- Istok Web
- Italiana
- Italianno
- Itim
- Jacques Francois
- Jacques Francois Shadow
- Jaldi
- Jim Nightshade
- Jockey One
- Jolly Lodger
- Jomhuria
- Josefin Sans
- Josefin Slab
- Joti One
- Judson
- Julee
- Julius Sans One
- Junge
- Jura
- Just Another Hand
- Just Me Again Down Here
- Kadwa
- Kalam
- Kameron
- Kanit
- Kantumruy
- Karla
- Karma
- Katibeh
- Kaushan Script
- Kavivanar
- Kavoon
- Kdam Thmor
- Keania One
- Kelly Slab
- Kenia
- Khand
- Khmer
- Khula
- Kite One
- Knewave
- Kotta One
- Koulen
- Kranky
- Kreon
- Kristi
- Krona One
- Kumar One
- Kumar One Outline
- Kurale
- La Belle Aurore
- Laila
- Lakki Reddy
- Lalezar
- Lancelot
- Lateef
- Lato
- League Script
- Leckerli One
- Ledger
- Lekton
- Lemon
- Lemonada
- Libre Barcode 128
- Libre Barcode 128 Text
- Libre Barcode 39
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text
- Libre Barcode 39 Text
- Libre Baskerville
- Libre Franklin
- Life Savers
- Lilita One
- Lily Script One
- Limelight
- Linden Hill
- Lobster
- Lobster Two
- Londrina Outline
- Londrina Shadow
- Londrina Sketch
- Londrina Solid
- Lora
- Love Ya Like A Sister
- Loved by the King
- Lovers Quarrel
- Luckiest Guy
- Lusitana
- Lustria
- Macondo
- Macondo Swash Caps
- Mada
- Magra
- Maiden Orange
- Maitree
- Mako
- Mallanna
- Mandali
- Manuale
- Marcellus
- Marcellus SC
- Marck Script
- Margarine
- Marko One
- Marmelad
- Martel
- Martel Sans
- Marvel
- Mate
- Mate SC
- Maven Pro
- McLaren
- Meddon
- MedievalSharp
- Medula One
- Meera Inimai
- Megrim
- Meie Script
- Merienda
- Merienda One
- Merriweather
- Merriweather Sans
- Metal
- Metal Mania
- Metamorphous
- Metrophobic
- Michroma
- Milonga
- Miltonian
- Miltonian Tattoo
- Miniver
- Miriam Libre
- Mirza
- Miss Fajardose
- Mitr
- Modak
- Modern Antiqua
- Mogra
- Molengo
- Molle
- Monda
- Monofett
- Monoton
- Monsieur La Doulaise
- Montaga
- Montez
- Montserrat
- Montserrat Alternates
- Montserrat Subrayada
- Moul
- Moulpali
- Mountains of Christmas
- Mouse Memoirs
- Mr Bedfort
- Mr Dafoe
- Mr De Haviland
- Mrs Saint Delafield
- Mrs Sheppards
- Mukta
- Mukta Mahee
- Mukta Malar
- Mukta Vaani
- Muli
- Mystery Quest
- Neucha
- Neuton
- New Rocker
- News Cycle
- Niconne
- Nixie One
- Nobile
- Nokora
- Norican
- Nosifer
- Nothing You Could Do
- Noticia Text
- Noto Sans
- Noto Serif
- Nova Cut
- Nova Flat
- Nova Mono
- Nova Oval
- Nova Round
- Nova Script
- Nova Slim
- Nova Square
- Numans
- Nunito
- Nunito Sans
- Odor Mean Chey
- Offside
- Old Standard TT
- Oldenburg
- Oleo Script
- Oleo Script Swash Caps
- Open Sans
- Open Sans Condensed
- Oranienbaum
- Orbitron
- Oregano
- Orienta
- Original Surfer
- Oswald
- Over the Rainbow
- Overlock
- Overlock SC
- Overpass
- Overpass Mono
- Ovo
- Oxygen
- Oxygen Mono
- PT Mono
- PT Sans
- PT Sans Caption
- PT Sans Narrow
- PT Serif
- PT Serif Caption
- Pacifico
- Padauk
- Palanquin
- Palanquin Dark
- Pangolin
- Paprika
- Parisienne
- Passero One
- Passion One
- Pathway Gothic One
- Patrick Hand
- Patrick Hand SC
- Pattaya
- Patua One
- Pavanam
- Paytone One
- Peddana
- Peralta
- Permanent Marker
- Petit Formal Script
- Petrona
- Philosopher
- Piedra
- Pinyon Script
- Pirata One
- Plaster
- Play
- Playball
- Playfair Display
- Playfair Display SC
- Podkova
- Poiret One
- Poller One
- Poly
- Pompiere
- Pontano Sans
- Poppins
- Port Lligat Sans
- Port Lligat Slab
- Pragati Narrow
- Prata
- Preahvihear
- Press Start 2P
- Pridi
- Princess Sofia
- Prociono
- Prompt
- Prosto One
- Proza Libre
- Puritan
- Purple Purse
- Quando
- Quantico
- Quattrocento
- Quattrocento Sans
- Questrial
- Quicksand
- Quintessential
- Qwigley
- Racing Sans One
- Radley
- Rajdhani
- Rakkas
- Raleway
- Raleway Dots
- Ramabhadra
- Ramaraja
- Rambla
- Rammetto One
- Ranchers
- Rancho
- Ranga
- Rasa
- Rationale
- Ravi Prakash
- Redressed
- Reem Kufi
- Reenie Beanie
- Revalia
- Rhodium Libre
- Ribeye
- Ribeye Marrow
- Righteous
- Risque
- Roboto
- Roboto Condensed
- Roboto Mono
- Roboto Slab
- Rochester
- Rock Salt
- Rokkitt
- Romanesco
- Ropa Sans
- Rosario
- Rosarivo
- Rouge Script
- Rozha One
- Rubik
- Rubik Mono One
- Ruda
- Rufina
- Ruge Boogie
- Ruluko
- Rum Raisin
- Ruslan Display
- Russo One
- Ruthie
- Rye
- Sacramento
- Sahitya
- Sail
- Saira
- Saira Condensed
- Saira Extra Condensed
- Saira Semi Condensed
- Salsa
- Sanchez
- Sancreek
- Sansita
- Sarala
- Sarina
- Sarpanch
- Satisfy
- Scada
- Scheherazade
- Schoolbell
- Scope One
- Seaweed Script
- Secular One
- Sedgwick Ave
- Sedgwick Ave Display
- Sevillana
- Seymour One
- Shadows Into Light
- Shadows Into Light Two
- Shanti
- Share
- Share Tech
- Share Tech Mono
- Shojumaru
- Short Stack
- Shrikhand
- Siemreap
- Sigmar One
- Signika
- Signika Negative
- Simonetta
- Sintony
- Sirin Stencil
- Six Caps
- Skranji
- Slabo 13px
- Slabo 27px
- Slackey
- Smokum
- Smythe
- Sniglet
- Snippet
- Snowburst One
- Sofadi One
- Sofia
- Sonsie One
- Sorts Mill Goudy
- Source Code Pro
- Source Sans Pro
- Source Serif Pro
- Space Mono
- Special Elite
- Spectral
- Spicy Rice
- Spinnaker
- Spirax
- Squada One
- Sree Krushnadevaraya
- Sriracha
- Stalemate
- Stalinist One
- Stardos Stencil
- Stint Ultra Condensed
- Stint Ultra Expanded
- Stoke
- Strait
- Sue Ellen Francisco
- Suez One
- Sumana
- Sunshiney
- Supermercado One
- Sura
- Suranna
- Suravaram
- Suwannaphum
- Swanky and Moo Moo
- Syncopate
- Tangerine
- Taprom
- Tauri
- Taviraj
- Teko
- Telex
- Tenali Ramakrishna
- Tenor Sans
- Text Me One
- The Girl Next Door
- Tienne
- Tillana
- Timmana
- Tinos
- Titan One
- Titillium Web
- Trade Winds
- Trirong
- Trocchi
- Trochut
- Trykker
- Tulpen One
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Condensed
- Ubuntu Mono
- Ultra
- Uncial Antiqua
- Underdog
- Unica One
- UnifrakturCook
- UnifrakturMaguntia
- Unkempt
- Unlock
- Unna
- VT323
- Vampiro One
- Varela
- Varela Round
- Vast Shadow
- Vesper Libre
- Vibur
- Vidaloka
- Viga
- Voces
- Volkhov
- Vollkorn
- Voltaire
- Waiting for the Sunrise
- Wallpoet
- Walter Turncoat
- Warnes
- Wellfleet
- Wendy One
- Wire One
- Work Sans
- Yanone Kaffeesatz
- Yantramanav
- Yatra One
- Yellowtail
- Yeseva One
- Yesteryear
- Yrsa
- Zeyada
- Zilla Slab
- Zilla Slab Highlight
Choose Custom Color
Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option.
Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text.
Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text.
The higher the value, the bigger the blur; the shadow becomes wider and lighter.
The color of the shadow.
This controls how your text is aligned within the module.
Here you can choose whether your text should be light or dark. If you are working with a dark background, then your text should be light. If your background is light, then your text should be set to dark.
- Default
- Georgia
- Times New Roman
- Arial
- Trebuchet
- Verdana
- ABeeZee
- Abel
- Abhaya Libre
- Abril Fatface
- Aclonica
- Acme
- Actor
- Adamina
- Advent Pro
- Aguafina Script
- Akronim
- Aladin
- Aldrich
- Alef
- Alegreya
- Alegreya SC
- Alegreya Sans
- Alegreya Sans SC
- Alex Brush
- Alfa Slab One
- Alice
- Alike
- Alike Angular
- Allan
- Allerta
- Allerta Stencil
- Allura
- Almendra
- Almendra Display
- Almendra SC
- Amarante
- Amaranth
- Amatic SC
- Amethysta
- Amiko
- Amiri
- Amita
- Anaheim
- Andada
- Andika
- Angkor
- Annie Use Your Telescope
- Anonymous Pro
- Antic
- Antic Didone
- Antic Slab
- Anton
- Arapey
- Arbutus
- Arbutus Slab
- Architects Daughter
- Archivo
- Archivo Black
- Archivo Narrow
- Aref Ruqaa
- Arima Madurai
- Arimo
- Arizonia
- Armata
- Arsenal
- Artifika
- Arvo
- Arya
- Asap
- Asap Condensed
- Asar
- Asset
- Assistant
- Astloch
- Asul
- Athiti
- Atma
- Atomic Age
- Aubrey
- Audiowide
- Autour One
- Average
- Average Sans
- Averia Gruesa Libre
- Averia Libre
- Averia Sans Libre
- Averia Serif Libre
- Bad Script
- Bahiana
- Baloo
- Baloo Bhai
- Baloo Bhaijaan
- Baloo Bhaina
- Baloo Chettan
- Baloo Da
- Baloo Paaji
- Baloo Tamma
- Baloo Tammudu
- Baloo Thambi
- Balthazar
- Bangers
- Barrio
- Basic
- Battambang
- Baumans
- Bayon
- Belgrano
- Bellefair
- Belleza
- BenchNine
- Bentham
- Berkshire Swash
- Bevan
- Bigelow Rules
- Bigshot One
- Bilbo
- Bilbo Swash Caps
- BioRhyme
- BioRhyme Expanded
- Biryani
- Bitter
- Black Ops One
- Bokor
- Bonbon
- Boogaloo
- Bowlby One
- Bowlby One SC
- Brawler
- Bree Serif
- Bubblegum Sans
- Bubbler One
- Buda
- Buenard
- Bungee
- Bungee Hairline
- Bungee Inline
- Bungee Outline
- Bungee Shade
- Butcherman
- Butterfly Kids
- Cabin
- Cabin Condensed
- Cabin Sketch
- Caesar Dressing
- Cagliostro
- Cairo
- Calligraffitti
- Cambay
- Cambo
- Candal
- Cantarell
- Cantata One
- Cantora One
- Capriola
- Cardo
- Carme
- Carrois Gothic
- Carrois Gothic SC
- Carter One
- Catamaran
- Caudex
- Caveat
- Caveat Brush
- Cedarville Cursive
- Ceviche One
- Changa
- Changa One
- Chango
- Chathura
- Chau Philomene One
- Chela One
- Chelsea Market
- Chenla
- Cherry Cream Soda
- Cherry Swash
- Chewy
- Chicle
- Chivo
- Chonburi
- Cinzel
- Cinzel Decorative
- Clicker Script
- Coda
- Coda Caption
- Codystar
- Coiny
- Combo
- Comfortaa
- Coming Soon
- Concert One
- Condiment
- Content
- Contrail One
- Convergence
- Cookie
- Copse
- Corben
- Cormorant
- Cormorant Garamond
- Cormorant Infant
- Cormorant SC
- Cormorant Unicase
- Cormorant Upright
- Courgette
- Cousine
- Coustard
- Covered By Your Grace
- Crafty Girls
- Creepster
- Crete Round
- Crimson Text
- Croissant One
- Crushed
- Cuprum
- Cutive
- Cutive Mono
- Damion
- Dancing Script
- Dangrek
- David Libre
- Dawning of a New Day
- Days One
- Dekko
- Delius
- Delius Swash Caps
- Delius Unicase
- Della Respira
- Denk One
- Devonshire
- Dhurjati
- Didact Gothic
- Diplomata
- Diplomata SC
- Domine
- Donegal One
- Doppio One
- Dorsa
- Dosis
- Dr Sugiyama
- Droid Sans
- Droid Sans Mono
- Droid Serif
- Duru Sans
- Dynalight
- EB Garamond
- Eagle Lake
- Eater
- Economica
- Eczar
- El Messiri
- Electrolize
- Elsie
- Elsie Swash Caps
- Emblema One
- Emilys Candy
- Encode Sans
- Encode Sans Condensed
- Encode Sans Expanded
- Encode Sans Semi Condensed
- Encode Sans Semi Expanded
- Engagement
- Englebert
- Enriqueta
- Erica One
- Esteban
- Euphoria Script
- Ewert
- Exo
- Exo 2
- Expletus Sans
- Fanwood Text
- Farsan
- Fascinate
- Fascinate Inline
- Faster One
- Fasthand
- Fauna One
- Faustina
- Federant
- Federo
- Felipa
- Fenix
- Finger Paint
- Fira Mono
- Fira Sans
- Fira Sans Condensed
- Fira Sans Extra Condensed
- Fjalla One
- Fjord One
- Flamenco
- Flavors
- Fondamento
- Fontdiner Swanky
- Forum
- Francois One
- Frank Ruhl Libre
- Freckle Face
- Fredericka the Great
- Fredoka One
- Freehand
- Fresca
- Frijole
- Fruktur
- Fugaz One
- GFS Didot
- GFS Neohellenic
- Gabriela
- Gafata
- Galada
- Galdeano
- Galindo
- Gentium Basic
- Gentium Book Basic
- Geo
- Geostar
- Geostar Fill
- Germania One
- Gidugu
- Gilda Display
- Give You Glory
- Glass Antiqua
- Glegoo
- Gloria Hallelujah
- Goblin One
- Gochi Hand
- Gorditas
- Goudy Bookletter 1911
- Graduate
- Grand Hotel
- Gravitas One
- Great Vibes
- Griffy
- Gruppo
- Gudea
- Gurajada
- Habibi
- Halant
- Hammersmith One
- Hanalei
- Hanalei Fill
- Handlee
- Hanuman
- Happy Monkey
- Harmattan
- Headland One
- Heebo
- Henny Penny
- Herr Von Muellerhoff
- Hind
- Hind Guntur
- Hind Madurai
- Hind Siliguri
- Hind Vadodara
- Holtwood One SC
- Homemade Apple
- Homenaje
- IM Fell DW Pica
- IM Fell DW Pica SC
- IM Fell Double Pica
- IM Fell Double Pica SC
- IM Fell English
- IM Fell English SC
- IM Fell French Canon
- IM Fell French Canon SC
- IM Fell Great Primer
- IM Fell Great Primer SC
- Iceberg
- Iceland
- Imprima
- Inconsolata
- Inder
- Indie Flower
- Inika
- Inknut Antiqua
- Irish Grover
- Istok Web
- Italiana
- Italianno
- Itim
- Jacques Francois
- Jacques Francois Shadow
- Jaldi
- Jim Nightshade
- Jockey One
- Jolly Lodger
- Jomhuria
- Josefin Sans
- Josefin Slab
- Joti One
- Judson
- Julee
- Julius Sans One
- Junge
- Jura
- Just Another Hand
- Just Me Again Down Here
- Kadwa
- Kalam
- Kameron
- Kanit
- Kantumruy
- Karla
- Karma
- Katibeh
- Kaushan Script
- Kavivanar
- Kavoon
- Kdam Thmor
- Keania One
- Kelly Slab
- Kenia
- Khand
- Khmer
- Khula
- Kite One
- Knewave
- Kotta One
- Koulen
- Kranky
- Kreon
- Kristi
- Krona One
- Kumar One
- Kumar One Outline
- Kurale
- La Belle Aurore
- Laila
- Lakki Reddy
- Lalezar
- Lancelot
- Lateef
- Lato
- League Script
- Leckerli One
- Ledger
- Lekton
- Lemon
- Lemonada
- Libre Barcode 128
- Libre Barcode 128 Text
- Libre Barcode 39
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text
- Libre Barcode 39 Text
- Libre Baskerville
- Libre Franklin
- Life Savers
- Lilita One
- Lily Script One
- Limelight
- Linden Hill
- Lobster
- Lobster Two
- Londrina Outline
- Londrina Shadow
- Londrina Sketch
- Londrina Solid
- Lora
- Love Ya Like A Sister
- Loved by the King
- Lovers Quarrel
- Luckiest Guy
- Lusitana
- Lustria
- Macondo
- Macondo Swash Caps
- Mada
- Magra
- Maiden Orange
- Maitree
- Mako
- Mallanna
- Mandali
- Manuale
- Marcellus
- Marcellus SC
- Marck Script
- Margarine
- Marko One
- Marmelad
- Martel
- Martel Sans
- Marvel
- Mate
- Mate SC
- Maven Pro
- McLaren
- Meddon
- MedievalSharp
- Medula One
- Meera Inimai
- Megrim
- Meie Script
- Merienda
- Merienda One
- Merriweather
- Merriweather Sans
- Metal
- Metal Mania
- Metamorphous
- Metrophobic
- Michroma
- Milonga
- Miltonian
- Miltonian Tattoo
- Miniver
- Miriam Libre
- Mirza
- Miss Fajardose
- Mitr
- Modak
- Modern Antiqua
- Mogra
- Molengo
- Molle
- Monda
- Monofett
- Monoton
- Monsieur La Doulaise
- Montaga
- Montez
- Montserrat
- Montserrat Alternates
- Montserrat Subrayada
- Moul
- Moulpali
- Mountains of Christmas
- Mouse Memoirs
- Mr Bedfort
- Mr Dafoe
- Mr De Haviland
- Mrs Saint Delafield
- Mrs Sheppards
- Mukta
- Mukta Mahee
- Mukta Malar
- Mukta Vaani
- Muli
- Mystery Quest
- Neucha
- Neuton
- New Rocker
- News Cycle
- Niconne
- Nixie One
- Nobile
- Nokora
- Norican
- Nosifer
- Nothing You Could Do
- Noticia Text
- Noto Sans
- Noto Serif
- Nova Cut
- Nova Flat
- Nova Mono
- Nova Oval
- Nova Round
- Nova Script
- Nova Slim
- Nova Square
- Numans
- Nunito
- Nunito Sans
- Odor Mean Chey
- Offside
- Old Standard TT
- Oldenburg
- Oleo Script
- Oleo Script Swash Caps
- Open Sans
- Open Sans Condensed
- Oranienbaum
- Orbitron
- Oregano
- Orienta
- Original Surfer
- Oswald
- Over the Rainbow
- Overlock
- Overlock SC
- Overpass
- Overpass Mono
- Ovo
- Oxygen
- Oxygen Mono
- PT Mono
- PT Sans
- PT Sans Caption
- PT Sans Narrow
- PT Serif
- PT Serif Caption
- Pacifico
- Padauk
- Palanquin
- Palanquin Dark
- Pangolin
- Paprika
- Parisienne
- Passero One
- Passion One
- Pathway Gothic One
- Patrick Hand
- Patrick Hand SC
- Pattaya
- Patua One
- Pavanam
- Paytone One
- Peddana
- Peralta
- Permanent Marker
- Petit Formal Script
- Petrona
- Philosopher
- Piedra
- Pinyon Script
- Pirata One
- Plaster
- Play
- Playball
- Playfair Display
- Playfair Display SC
- Podkova
- Poiret One
- Poller One
- Poly
- Pompiere
- Pontano Sans
- Poppins
- Port Lligat Sans
- Port Lligat Slab
- Pragati Narrow
- Prata
- Preahvihear
- Press Start 2P
- Pridi
- Princess Sofia
- Prociono
- Prompt
- Prosto One
- Proza Libre
- Puritan
- Purple Purse
- Quando
- Quantico
- Quattrocento
- Quattrocento Sans
- Questrial
- Quicksand
- Quintessential
- Qwigley
- Racing Sans One
- Radley
- Rajdhani
- Rakkas
- Raleway
- Raleway Dots
- Ramabhadra
- Ramaraja
- Rambla
- Rammetto One
- Ranchers
- Rancho
- Ranga
- Rasa
- Rationale
- Ravi Prakash
- Redressed
- Reem Kufi
- Reenie Beanie
- Revalia
- Rhodium Libre
- Ribeye
- Ribeye Marrow
- Righteous
- Risque
- Roboto
- Roboto Condensed
- Roboto Mono
- Roboto Slab
- Rochester
- Rock Salt
- Rokkitt
- Romanesco
- Ropa Sans
- Rosario
- Rosarivo
- Rouge Script
- Rozha One
- Rubik
- Rubik Mono One
- Ruda
- Rufina
- Ruge Boogie
- Ruluko
- Rum Raisin
- Ruslan Display
- Russo One
- Ruthie
- Rye
- Sacramento
- Sahitya
- Sail
- Saira
- Saira Condensed
- Saira Extra Condensed
- Saira Semi Condensed
- Salsa
- Sanchez
- Sancreek
- Sansita
- Sarala
- Sarina
- Sarpanch
- Satisfy
- Scada
- Scheherazade
- Schoolbell
- Scope One
- Seaweed Script
- Secular One
- Sedgwick Ave
- Sedgwick Ave Display
- Sevillana
- Seymour One
- Shadows Into Light
- Shadows Into Light Two
- Shanti
- Share
- Share Tech
- Share Tech Mono
- Shojumaru
- Short Stack
- Shrikhand
- Siemreap
- Sigmar One
- Signika
- Signika Negative
- Simonetta
- Sintony
- Sirin Stencil
- Six Caps
- Skranji
- Slabo 13px
- Slabo 27px
- Slackey
- Smokum
- Smythe
- Sniglet
- Snippet
- Snowburst One
- Sofadi One
- Sofia
- Sonsie One
- Sorts Mill Goudy
- Source Code Pro
- Source Sans Pro
- Source Serif Pro
- Space Mono
- Special Elite
- Spectral
- Spicy Rice
- Spinnaker
- Spirax
- Squada One
- Sree Krushnadevaraya
- Sriracha
- Stalemate
- Stalinist One
- Stardos Stencil
- Stint Ultra Condensed
- Stint Ultra Expanded
- Stoke
- Strait
- Sue Ellen Francisco
- Suez One
- Sumana
- Sunshiney
- Supermercado One
- Sura
- Suranna
- Suravaram
- Suwannaphum
- Swanky and Moo Moo
- Syncopate
- Tangerine
- Taprom
- Tauri
- Taviraj
- Teko
- Telex
- Tenali Ramakrishna
- Tenor Sans
- Text Me One
- The Girl Next Door
- Tienne
- Tillana
- Timmana
- Tinos
- Titan One
- Titillium Web
- Trade Winds
- Trirong
- Trocchi
- Trochut
- Trykker
- Tulpen One
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Condensed
- Ubuntu Mono
- Ultra
- Uncial Antiqua
- Underdog
- Unica One
- UnifrakturCook
- UnifrakturMaguntia
- Unkempt
- Unlock
- Unna
- VT323
- Vampiro One
- Varela
- Varela Round
- Vast Shadow
- Vesper Libre
- Vibur
- Vidaloka
- Viga
- Voces
- Volkhov
- Vollkorn
- Voltaire
- Waiting for the Sunrise
- Wallpoet
- Walter Turncoat
- Warnes
- Wellfleet
- Wendy One
- Wire One
- Work Sans
- Yanone Kaffeesatz
- Yantramanav
- Yatra One
- Yellowtail
- Yeseva One
- Yesteryear
- Yrsa
- Zeyada
- Zilla Slab
- Zilla Slab Highlight
Choose Custom Color
Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option.
Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text.
Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text.
The higher the value, the bigger the blur; the shadow becomes wider and lighter.
The color of the shadow.
- Default
- Georgia
- Times New Roman
- Arial
- Trebuchet
- Verdana
- ABeeZee
- Abel
- Abhaya Libre
- Abril Fatface
- Aclonica
- Acme
- Actor
- Adamina
- Advent Pro
- Aguafina Script
- Akronim
- Aladin
- Aldrich
- Alef
- Alegreya
- Alegreya SC
- Alegreya Sans
- Alegreya Sans SC
- Alex Brush
- Alfa Slab One
- Alice
- Alike
- Alike Angular
- Allan
- Allerta
- Allerta Stencil
- Allura
- Almendra
- Almendra Display
- Almendra SC
- Amarante
- Amaranth
- Amatic SC
- Amethysta
- Amiko
- Amiri
- Amita
- Anaheim
- Andada
- Andika
- Angkor
- Annie Use Your Telescope
- Anonymous Pro
- Antic
- Antic Didone
- Antic Slab
- Anton
- Arapey
- Arbutus
- Arbutus Slab
- Architects Daughter
- Archivo
- Archivo Black
- Archivo Narrow
- Aref Ruqaa
- Arima Madurai
- Arimo
- Arizonia
- Armata
- Arsenal
- Artifika
- Arvo
- Arya
- Asap
- Asap Condensed
- Asar
- Asset
- Assistant
- Astloch
- Asul
- Athiti
- Atma
- Atomic Age
- Aubrey
- Audiowide
- Autour One
- Average
- Average Sans
- Averia Gruesa Libre
- Averia Libre
- Averia Sans Libre
- Averia Serif Libre
- Bad Script
- Bahiana
- Baloo
- Baloo Bhai
- Baloo Bhaijaan
- Baloo Bhaina
- Baloo Chettan
- Baloo Da
- Baloo Paaji
- Baloo Tamma
- Baloo Tammudu
- Baloo Thambi
- Balthazar
- Bangers
- Barrio
- Basic
- Battambang
- Baumans
- Bayon
- Belgrano
- Bellefair
- Belleza
- BenchNine
- Bentham
- Berkshire Swash
- Bevan
- Bigelow Rules
- Bigshot One
- Bilbo
- Bilbo Swash Caps
- BioRhyme
- BioRhyme Expanded
- Biryani
- Bitter
- Black Ops One
- Bokor
- Bonbon
- Boogaloo
- Bowlby One
- Bowlby One SC
- Brawler
- Bree Serif
- Bubblegum Sans
- Bubbler One
- Buda
- Buenard
- Bungee
- Bungee Hairline
- Bungee Inline
- Bungee Outline
- Bungee Shade
- Butcherman
- Butterfly Kids
- Cabin
- Cabin Condensed
- Cabin Sketch
- Caesar Dressing
- Cagliostro
- Cairo
- Calligraffitti
- Cambay
- Cambo
- Candal
- Cantarell
- Cantata One
- Cantora One
- Capriola
- Cardo
- Carme
- Carrois Gothic
- Carrois Gothic SC
- Carter One
- Catamaran
- Caudex
- Caveat
- Caveat Brush
- Cedarville Cursive
- Ceviche One
- Changa
- Changa One
- Chango
- Chathura
- Chau Philomene One
- Chela One
- Chelsea Market
- Chenla
- Cherry Cream Soda
- Cherry Swash
- Chewy
- Chicle
- Chivo
- Chonburi
- Cinzel
- Cinzel Decorative
- Clicker Script
- Coda
- Coda Caption
- Codystar
- Coiny
- Combo
- Comfortaa
- Coming Soon
- Concert One
- Condiment
- Content
- Contrail One
- Convergence
- Cookie
- Copse
- Corben
- Cormorant
- Cormorant Garamond
- Cormorant Infant
- Cormorant SC
- Cormorant Unicase
- Cormorant Upright
- Courgette
- Cousine
- Coustard
- Covered By Your Grace
- Crafty Girls
- Creepster
- Crete Round
- Crimson Text
- Croissant One
- Crushed
- Cuprum
- Cutive
- Cutive Mono
- Damion
- Dancing Script
- Dangrek
- David Libre
- Dawning of a New Day
- Days One
- Dekko
- Delius
- Delius Swash Caps
- Delius Unicase
- Della Respira
- Denk One
- Devonshire
- Dhurjati
- Didact Gothic
- Diplomata
- Diplomata SC
- Domine
- Donegal One
- Doppio One
- Dorsa
- Dosis
- Dr Sugiyama
- Droid Sans
- Droid Sans Mono
- Droid Serif
- Duru Sans
- Dynalight
- EB Garamond
- Eagle Lake
- Eater
- Economica
- Eczar
- El Messiri
- Electrolize
- Elsie
- Elsie Swash Caps
- Emblema One
- Emilys Candy
- Encode Sans
- Encode Sans Condensed
- Encode Sans Expanded
- Encode Sans Semi Condensed
- Encode Sans Semi Expanded
- Engagement
- Englebert
- Enriqueta
- Erica One
- Esteban
- Euphoria Script
- Ewert
- Exo
- Exo 2
- Expletus Sans
- Fanwood Text
- Farsan
- Fascinate
- Fascinate Inline
- Faster One
- Fasthand
- Fauna One
- Faustina
- Federant
- Federo
- Felipa
- Fenix
- Finger Paint
- Fira Mono
- Fira Sans
- Fira Sans Condensed
- Fira Sans Extra Condensed
- Fjalla One
- Fjord One
- Flamenco
- Flavors
- Fondamento
- Fontdiner Swanky
- Forum
- Francois One
- Frank Ruhl Libre
- Freckle Face
- Fredericka the Great
- Fredoka One
- Freehand
- Fresca
- Frijole
- Fruktur
- Fugaz One
- GFS Didot
- GFS Neohellenic
- Gabriela
- Gafata
- Galada
- Galdeano
- Galindo
- Gentium Basic
- Gentium Book Basic
- Geo
- Geostar
- Geostar Fill
- Germania One
- Gidugu
- Gilda Display
- Give You Glory
- Glass Antiqua
- Glegoo
- Gloria Hallelujah
- Goblin One
- Gochi Hand
- Gorditas
- Goudy Bookletter 1911
- Graduate
- Grand Hotel
- Gravitas One
- Great Vibes
- Griffy
- Gruppo
- Gudea
- Gurajada
- Habibi
- Halant
- Hammersmith One
- Hanalei
- Hanalei Fill
- Handlee
- Hanuman
- Happy Monkey
- Harmattan
- Headland One
- Heebo
- Henny Penny
- Herr Von Muellerhoff
- Hind
- Hind Guntur
- Hind Madurai
- Hind Siliguri
- Hind Vadodara
- Holtwood One SC
- Homemade Apple
- Homenaje
- IM Fell DW Pica
- IM Fell DW Pica SC
- IM Fell Double Pica
- IM Fell Double Pica SC
- IM Fell English
- IM Fell English SC
- IM Fell French Canon
- IM Fell French Canon SC
- IM Fell Great Primer
- IM Fell Great Primer SC
- Iceberg
- Iceland
- Imprima
- Inconsolata
- Inder
- Indie Flower
- Inika
- Inknut Antiqua
- Irish Grover
- Istok Web
- Italiana
- Italianno
- Itim
- Jacques Francois
- Jacques Francois Shadow
- Jaldi
- Jim Nightshade
- Jockey One
- Jolly Lodger
- Jomhuria
- Josefin Sans
- Josefin Slab
- Joti One
- Judson
- Julee
- Julius Sans One
- Junge
- Jura
- Just Another Hand
- Just Me Again Down Here
- Kadwa
- Kalam
- Kameron
- Kanit
- Kantumruy
- Karla
- Karma
- Katibeh
- Kaushan Script
- Kavivanar
- Kavoon
- Kdam Thmor
- Keania One
- Kelly Slab
- Kenia
- Khand
- Khmer
- Khula
- Kite One
- Knewave
- Kotta One
- Koulen
- Kranky
- Kreon
- Kristi
- Krona One
- Kumar One
- Kumar One Outline
- Kurale
- La Belle Aurore
- Laila
- Lakki Reddy
- Lalezar
- Lancelot
- Lateef
- Lato
- League Script
- Leckerli One
- Ledger
- Lekton
- Lemon
- Lemonada
- Libre Barcode 128
- Libre Barcode 128 Text
- Libre Barcode 39
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text
- Libre Barcode 39 Text
- Libre Baskerville
- Libre Franklin
- Life Savers
- Lilita One
- Lily Script One
- Limelight
- Linden Hill
- Lobster
- Lobster Two
- Londrina Outline
- Londrina Shadow
- Londrina Sketch
- Londrina Solid
- Lora
- Love Ya Like A Sister
- Loved by the King
- Lovers Quarrel
- Luckiest Guy
- Lusitana
- Lustria
- Macondo
- Macondo Swash Caps
- Mada
- Magra
- Maiden Orange
- Maitree
- Mako
- Mallanna
- Mandali
- Manuale
- Marcellus
- Marcellus SC
- Marck Script
- Margarine
- Marko One
- Marmelad
- Martel
- Martel Sans
- Marvel
- Mate
- Mate SC
- Maven Pro
- McLaren
- Meddon
- MedievalSharp
- Medula One
- Meera Inimai
- Megrim
- Meie Script
- Merienda
- Merienda One
- Merriweather
- Merriweather Sans
- Metal
- Metal Mania
- Metamorphous
- Metrophobic
- Michroma
- Milonga
- Miltonian
- Miltonian Tattoo
- Miniver
- Miriam Libre
- Mirza
- Miss Fajardose
- Mitr
- Modak
- Modern Antiqua
- Mogra
- Molengo
- Molle
- Monda
- Monofett
- Monoton
- Monsieur La Doulaise
- Montaga
- Montez
- Montserrat
- Montserrat Alternates
- Montserrat Subrayada
- Moul
- Moulpali
- Mountains of Christmas
- Mouse Memoirs
- Mr Bedfort
- Mr Dafoe
- Mr De Haviland
- Mrs Saint Delafield
- Mrs Sheppards
- Mukta
- Mukta Mahee
- Mukta Malar
- Mukta Vaani
- Muli
- Mystery Quest
- Neucha
- Neuton
- New Rocker
- News Cycle
- Niconne
- Nixie One
- Nobile
- Nokora
- Norican
- Nosifer
- Nothing You Could Do
- Noticia Text
- Noto Sans
- Noto Serif
- Nova Cut
- Nova Flat
- Nova Mono
- Nova Oval
- Nova Round
- Nova Script
- Nova Slim
- Nova Square
- Numans
- Nunito
- Nunito Sans
- Odor Mean Chey
- Offside
- Old Standard TT
- Oldenburg
- Oleo Script
- Oleo Script Swash Caps
- Open Sans
- Open Sans Condensed
- Oranienbaum
- Orbitron
- Oregano
- Orienta
- Original Surfer
- Oswald
- Over the Rainbow
- Overlock
- Overlock SC
- Overpass
- Overpass Mono
- Ovo
- Oxygen
- Oxygen Mono
- PT Mono
- PT Sans
- PT Sans Caption
- PT Sans Narrow
- PT Serif
- PT Serif Caption
- Pacifico
- Padauk
- Palanquin
- Palanquin Dark
- Pangolin
- Paprika
- Parisienne
- Passero One
- Passion One
- Pathway Gothic One
- Patrick Hand
- Patrick Hand SC
- Pattaya
- Patua One
- Pavanam
- Paytone One
- Peddana
- Peralta
- Permanent Marker
- Petit Formal Script
- Petrona
- Philosopher
- Piedra
- Pinyon Script
- Pirata One
- Plaster
- Play
- Playball
- Playfair Display
- Playfair Display SC
- Podkova
- Poiret One
- Poller One
- Poly
- Pompiere
- Pontano Sans
- Poppins
- Port Lligat Sans
- Port Lligat Slab
- Pragati Narrow
- Prata
- Preahvihear
- Press Start 2P
- Pridi
- Princess Sofia
- Prociono
- Prompt
- Prosto One
- Proza Libre
- Puritan
- Purple Purse
- Quando
- Quantico
- Quattrocento
- Quattrocento Sans
- Questrial
- Quicksand
- Quintessential
- Qwigley
- Racing Sans One
- Radley
- Rajdhani
- Rakkas
- Raleway
- Raleway Dots
- Ramabhadra
- Ramaraja
- Rambla
- Rammetto One
- Ranchers
- Rancho
- Ranga
- Rasa
- Rationale
- Ravi Prakash
- Redressed
- Reem Kufi
- Reenie Beanie
- Revalia
- Rhodium Libre
- Ribeye
- Ribeye Marrow
- Righteous
- Risque
- Roboto
- Roboto Condensed
- Roboto Mono
- Roboto Slab
- Rochester
- Rock Salt
- Rokkitt
- Romanesco
- Ropa Sans
- Rosario
- Rosarivo
- Rouge Script
- Rozha One
- Rubik
- Rubik Mono One
- Ruda
- Rufina
- Ruge Boogie
- Ruluko
- Rum Raisin
- Ruslan Display
- Russo One
- Ruthie
- Rye
- Sacramento
- Sahitya
- Sail
- Saira
- Saira Condensed
- Saira Extra Condensed
- Saira Semi Condensed
- Salsa
- Sanchez
- Sancreek
- Sansita
- Sarala
- Sarina
- Sarpanch
- Satisfy
- Scada
- Scheherazade
- Schoolbell
- Scope One
- Seaweed Script
- Secular One
- Sedgwick Ave
- Sedgwick Ave Display
- Sevillana
- Seymour One
- Shadows Into Light
- Shadows Into Light Two
- Shanti
- Share
- Share Tech
- Share Tech Mono
- Shojumaru
- Short Stack
- Shrikhand
- Siemreap
- Sigmar One
- Signika
- Signika Negative
- Simonetta
- Sintony
- Sirin Stencil
- Six Caps
- Skranji
- Slabo 13px
- Slabo 27px
- Slackey
- Smokum
- Smythe
- Sniglet
- Snippet
- Snowburst One
- Sofadi One
- Sofia
- Sonsie One
- Sorts Mill Goudy
- Source Code Pro
- Source Sans Pro
- Source Serif Pro
- Space Mono
- Special Elite
- Spectral
- Spicy Rice
- Spinnaker
- Spirax
- Squada One
- Sree Krushnadevaraya
- Sriracha
- Stalemate
- Stalinist One
- Stardos Stencil
- Stint Ultra Condensed
- Stint Ultra Expanded
- Stoke
- Strait
- Sue Ellen Francisco
- Suez One
- Sumana
- Sunshiney
- Supermercado One
- Sura
- Suranna
- Suravaram
- Suwannaphum
- Swanky and Moo Moo
- Syncopate
- Tangerine
- Taprom
- Tauri
- Taviraj
- Teko
- Telex
- Tenali Ramakrishna
- Tenor Sans
- Text Me One
- The Girl Next Door
- Tienne
- Tillana
- Timmana
- Tinos
- Titan One
- Titillium Web
- Trade Winds
- Trirong
- Trocchi
- Trochut
- Trykker
- Tulpen One
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Condensed
- Ubuntu Mono
- Ultra
- Uncial Antiqua
- Underdog
- Unica One
- UnifrakturCook
- UnifrakturMaguntia
- Unkempt
- Unlock
- Unna
- VT323
- Vampiro One
- Varela
- Varela Round
- Vast Shadow
- Vesper Libre
- Vibur
- Vidaloka
- Viga
- Voces
- Volkhov
- Vollkorn
- Voltaire
- Waiting for the Sunrise
- Wallpoet
- Walter Turncoat
- Warnes
- Wellfleet
- Wendy One
- Wire One
- Work Sans
- Yanone Kaffeesatz
- Yantramanav
- Yatra One
- Yellowtail
- Yeseva One
- Yesteryear
- Yrsa
- Zeyada
- Zilla Slab
- Zilla Slab Highlight
Choose Custom Color
Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option.
Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text.
Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text.
The higher the value, the bigger the blur; the shadow becomes wider and lighter.
The color of the shadow.
- Default
- Georgia
- Times New Roman
- Arial
- Trebuchet
- Verdana
- ABeeZee
- Abel
- Abhaya Libre
- Abril Fatface
- Aclonica
- Acme
- Actor
- Adamina
- Advent Pro
- Aguafina Script
- Akronim
- Aladin
- Aldrich
- Alef
- Alegreya
- Alegreya SC
- Alegreya Sans
- Alegreya Sans SC
- Alex Brush
- Alfa Slab One
- Alice
- Alike
- Alike Angular
- Allan
- Allerta
- Allerta Stencil
- Allura
- Almendra
- Almendra Display
- Almendra SC
- Amarante
- Amaranth
- Amatic SC
- Amethysta
- Amiko
- Amiri
- Amita
- Anaheim
- Andada
- Andika
- Angkor
- Annie Use Your Telescope
- Anonymous Pro
- Antic
- Antic Didone
- Antic Slab
- Anton
- Arapey
- Arbutus
- Arbutus Slab
- Architects Daughter
- Archivo
- Archivo Black
- Archivo Narrow
- Aref Ruqaa
- Arima Madurai
- Arimo
- Arizonia
- Armata
- Arsenal
- Artifika
- Arvo
- Arya
- Asap
- Asap Condensed
- Asar
- Asset
- Assistant
- Astloch
- Asul
- Athiti
- Atma
- Atomic Age
- Aubrey
- Audiowide
- Autour One
- Average
- Average Sans
- Averia Gruesa Libre
- Averia Libre
- Averia Sans Libre
- Averia Serif Libre
- Bad Script
- Bahiana
- Baloo
- Baloo Bhai
- Baloo Bhaijaan
- Baloo Bhaina
- Baloo Chettan
- Baloo Da
- Baloo Paaji
- Baloo Tamma
- Baloo Tammudu
- Baloo Thambi
- Balthazar
- Bangers
- Barrio
- Basic
- Battambang
- Baumans
- Bayon
- Belgrano
- Bellefair
- Belleza
- BenchNine
- Bentham
- Berkshire Swash
- Bevan
- Bigelow Rules
- Bigshot One
- Bilbo
- Bilbo Swash Caps
- BioRhyme
- BioRhyme Expanded
- Biryani
- Bitter
- Black Ops One
- Bokor
- Bonbon
- Boogaloo
- Bowlby One
- Bowlby One SC
- Brawler
- Bree Serif
- Bubblegum Sans
- Bubbler One
- Buda
- Buenard
- Bungee
- Bungee Hairline
- Bungee Inline
- Bungee Outline
- Bungee Shade
- Butcherman
- Butterfly Kids
- Cabin
- Cabin Condensed
- Cabin Sketch
- Caesar Dressing
- Cagliostro
- Cairo
- Calligraffitti
- Cambay
- Cambo
- Candal
- Cantarell
- Cantata One
- Cantora One
- Capriola
- Cardo
- Carme
- Carrois Gothic
- Carrois Gothic SC
- Carter One
- Catamaran
- Caudex
- Caveat
- Caveat Brush
- Cedarville Cursive
- Ceviche One
- Changa
- Changa One
- Chango
- Chathura
- Chau Philomene One
- Chela One
- Chelsea Market
- Chenla
- Cherry Cream Soda
- Cherry Swash
- Chewy
- Chicle
- Chivo
- Chonburi
- Cinzel
- Cinzel Decorative
- Clicker Script
- Coda
- Coda Caption
- Codystar
- Coiny
- Combo
- Comfortaa
- Coming Soon
- Concert One
- Condiment
- Content
- Contrail One
- Convergence
- Cookie
- Copse
- Corben
- Cormorant
- Cormorant Garamond
- Cormorant Infant
- Cormorant SC
- Cormorant Unicase
- Cormorant Upright
- Courgette
- Cousine
- Coustard
- Covered By Your Grace
- Crafty Girls
- Creepster
- Crete Round
- Crimson Text
- Croissant One
- Crushed
- Cuprum
- Cutive
- Cutive Mono
- Damion
- Dancing Script
- Dangrek
- David Libre
- Dawning of a New Day
- Days One
- Dekko
- Delius
- Delius Swash Caps
- Delius Unicase
- Della Respira
- Denk One
- Devonshire
- Dhurjati
- Didact Gothic
- Diplomata
- Diplomata SC
- Domine
- Donegal One
- Doppio One
- Dorsa
- Dosis
- Dr Sugiyama
- Droid Sans
- Droid Sans Mono
- Droid Serif
- Duru Sans
- Dynalight
- EB Garamond
- Eagle Lake
- Eater
- Economica
- Eczar
- El Messiri
- Electrolize
- Elsie
- Elsie Swash Caps
- Emblema One
- Emilys Candy
- Encode Sans
- Encode Sans Condensed
- Encode Sans Expanded
- Encode Sans Semi Condensed
- Encode Sans Semi Expanded
- Engagement
- Englebert
- Enriqueta
- Erica One
- Esteban
- Euphoria Script
- Ewert
- Exo
- Exo 2
- Expletus Sans
- Fanwood Text
- Farsan
- Fascinate
- Fascinate Inline
- Faster One
- Fasthand
- Fauna One
- Faustina
- Federant
- Federo
- Felipa
- Fenix
- Finger Paint
- Fira Mono
- Fira Sans
- Fira Sans Condensed
- Fira Sans Extra Condensed
- Fjalla One
- Fjord One
- Flamenco
- Flavors
- Fondamento
- Fontdiner Swanky
- Forum
- Francois One
- Frank Ruhl Libre
- Freckle Face
- Fredericka the Great
- Fredoka One
- Freehand
- Fresca
- Frijole
- Fruktur
- Fugaz One
- GFS Didot
- GFS Neohellenic
- Gabriela
- Gafata
- Galada
- Galdeano
- Galindo
- Gentium Basic
- Gentium Book Basic
- Geo
- Geostar
- Geostar Fill
- Germania One
- Gidugu
- Gilda Display
- Give You Glory
- Glass Antiqua
- Glegoo
- Gloria Hallelujah
- Goblin One
- Gochi Hand
- Gorditas
- Goudy Bookletter 1911
- Graduate
- Grand Hotel
- Gravitas One
- Great Vibes
- Griffy
- Gruppo
- Gudea
- Gurajada
- Habibi
- Halant
- Hammersmith One
- Hanalei
- Hanalei Fill
- Handlee
- Hanuman
- Happy Monkey
- Harmattan
- Headland One
- Heebo
- Henny Penny
- Herr Von Muellerhoff
- Hind
- Hind Guntur
- Hind Madurai
- Hind Siliguri
- Hind Vadodara
- Holtwood One SC
- Homemade Apple
- Homenaje
- IM Fell DW Pica
- IM Fell DW Pica SC
- IM Fell Double Pica
- IM Fell Double Pica SC
- IM Fell English
- IM Fell English SC
- IM Fell French Canon
- IM Fell French Canon SC
- IM Fell Great Primer
- IM Fell Great Primer SC
- Iceberg
- Iceland
- Imprima
- Inconsolata
- Inder
- Indie Flower
- Inika
- Inknut Antiqua
- Irish Grover
- Istok Web
- Italiana
- Italianno
- Itim
- Jacques Francois
- Jacques Francois Shadow
- Jaldi
- Jim Nightshade
- Jockey One
- Jolly Lodger
- Jomhuria
- Josefin Sans
- Josefin Slab
- Joti One
- Judson
- Julee
- Julius Sans One
- Junge
- Jura
- Just Another Hand
- Just Me Again Down Here
- Kadwa
- Kalam
- Kameron
- Kanit
- Kantumruy
- Karla
- Karma
- Katibeh
- Kaushan Script
- Kavivanar
- Kavoon
- Kdam Thmor
- Keania One
- Kelly Slab
- Kenia
- Khand
- Khmer
- Khula
- Kite One
- Knewave
- Kotta One
- Koulen
- Kranky
- Kreon
- Kristi
- Krona One
- Kumar One
- Kumar One Outline
- Kurale
- La Belle Aurore
- Laila
- Lakki Reddy
- Lalezar
- Lancelot
- Lateef
- Lato
- League Script
- Leckerli One
- Ledger
- Lekton
- Lemon
- Lemonada
- Libre Barcode 128
- Libre Barcode 128 Text
- Libre Barcode 39
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text
- Libre Barcode 39 Text
- Libre Baskerville
- Libre Franklin
- Life Savers
- Lilita One
- Lily Script One
- Limelight
- Linden Hill
- Lobster
- Lobster Two
- Londrina Outline
- Londrina Shadow
- Londrina Sketch
- Londrina Solid
- Lora
- Love Ya Like A Sister
- Loved by the King
- Lovers Quarrel
- Luckiest Guy
- Lusitana
- Lustria
- Macondo
- Macondo Swash Caps
- Mada
- Magra
- Maiden Orange
- Maitree
- Mako
- Mallanna
- Mandali
- Manuale
- Marcellus
- Marcellus SC
- Marck Script
- Margarine
- Marko One
- Marmelad
- Martel
- Martel Sans
- Marvel
- Mate
- Mate SC
- Maven Pro
- McLaren
- Meddon
- MedievalSharp
- Medula One
- Meera Inimai
- Megrim
- Meie Script
- Merienda
- Merienda One
- Merriweather
- Merriweather Sans
- Metal
- Metal Mania
- Metamorphous
- Metrophobic
- Michroma
- Milonga
- Miltonian
- Miltonian Tattoo
- Miniver
- Miriam Libre
- Mirza
- Miss Fajardose
- Mitr
- Modak
- Modern Antiqua
- Mogra
- Molengo
- Molle
- Monda
- Monofett
- Monoton
- Monsieur La Doulaise
- Montaga
- Montez
- Montserrat
- Montserrat Alternates
- Montserrat Subrayada
- Moul
- Moulpali
- Mountains of Christmas
- Mouse Memoirs
- Mr Bedfort
- Mr Dafoe
- Mr De Haviland
- Mrs Saint Delafield
- Mrs Sheppards
- Mukta
- Mukta Mahee
- Mukta Malar
- Mukta Vaani
- Muli
- Mystery Quest
- Neucha
- Neuton
- New Rocker
- News Cycle
- Niconne
- Nixie One
- Nobile
- Nokora
- Norican
- Nosifer
- Nothing You Could Do
- Noticia Text
- Noto Sans
- Noto Serif
- Nova Cut
- Nova Flat
- Nova Mono
- Nova Oval
- Nova Round
- Nova Script
- Nova Slim
- Nova Square
- Numans
- Nunito
- Nunito Sans
- Odor Mean Chey
- Offside
- Old Standard TT
- Oldenburg
- Oleo Script
- Oleo Script Swash Caps
- Open Sans
- Open Sans Condensed
- Oranienbaum
- Orbitron
- Oregano
- Orienta
- Original Surfer
- Oswald
- Over the Rainbow
- Overlock
- Overlock SC
- Overpass
- Overpass Mono
- Ovo
- Oxygen
- Oxygen Mono
- PT Mono
- PT Sans
- PT Sans Caption
- PT Sans Narrow
- PT Serif
- PT Serif Caption
- Pacifico
- Padauk
- Palanquin
- Palanquin Dark
- Pangolin
- Paprika
- Parisienne
- Passero One
- Passion One
- Pathway Gothic One
- Patrick Hand
- Patrick Hand SC
- Pattaya
- Patua One
- Pavanam
- Paytone One
- Peddana
- Peralta
- Permanent Marker
- Petit Formal Script
- Petrona
- Philosopher
- Piedra
- Pinyon Script
- Pirata One
- Plaster
- Play
- Playball
- Playfair Display
- Playfair Display SC
- Podkova
- Poiret One
- Poller One
- Poly
- Pompiere
- Pontano Sans
- Poppins
- Port Lligat Sans
- Port Lligat Slab
- Pragati Narrow
- Prata
- Preahvihear
- Press Start 2P
- Pridi
- Princess Sofia
- Prociono
- Prompt
- Prosto One
- Proza Libre
- Puritan
- Purple Purse
- Quando
- Quantico
- Quattrocento
- Quattrocento Sans
- Questrial
- Quicksand
- Quintessential
- Qwigley
- Racing Sans One
- Radley
- Rajdhani
- Rakkas
- Raleway
- Raleway Dots
- Ramabhadra
- Ramaraja
- Rambla
- Rammetto One
- Ranchers
- Rancho
- Ranga
- Rasa
- Rationale
- Ravi Prakash
- Redressed
- Reem Kufi
- Reenie Beanie
- Revalia
- Rhodium Libre
- Ribeye
- Ribeye Marrow
- Righteous
- Risque
- Roboto
- Roboto Condensed
- Roboto Mono
- Roboto Slab
- Rochester
- Rock Salt
- Rokkitt
- Romanesco
- Ropa Sans
- Rosario
- Rosarivo
- Rouge Script
- Rozha One
- Rubik
- Rubik Mono One
- Ruda
- Rufina
- Ruge Boogie
- Ruluko
- Rum Raisin
- Ruslan Display
- Russo One
- Ruthie
- Rye
- Sacramento
- Sahitya
- Sail
- Saira
- Saira Condensed
- Saira Extra Condensed
- Saira Semi Condensed
- Salsa
- Sanchez
- Sancreek
- Sansita
- Sarala
- Sarina
- Sarpanch
- Satisfy
- Scada
- Scheherazade
- Schoolbell
- Scope One
- Seaweed Script
- Secular One
- Sedgwick Ave
- Sedgwick Ave Display
- Sevillana
- Seymour One
- Shadows Into Light
- Shadows Into Light Two
- Shanti
- Share
- Share Tech
- Share Tech Mono
- Shojumaru
- Short Stack
- Shrikhand
- Siemreap
- Sigmar One
- Signika
- Signika Negative
- Simonetta
- Sintony
- Sirin Stencil
- Six Caps
- Skranji
- Slabo 13px
- Slabo 27px
- Slackey
- Smokum
- Smythe
- Sniglet
- Snippet
- Snowburst One
- Sofadi One
- Sofia
- Sonsie One
- Sorts Mill Goudy
- Source Code Pro
- Source Sans Pro
- Source Serif Pro
- Space Mono
- Special Elite
- Spectral
- Spicy Rice
- Spinnaker
- Spirax
- Squada One
- Sree Krushnadevaraya
- Sriracha
- Stalemate
- Stalinist One
- Stardos Stencil
- Stint Ultra Condensed
- Stint Ultra Expanded
- Stoke
- Strait
- Sue Ellen Francisco
- Suez One
- Sumana
- Sunshiney
- Supermercado One
- Sura
- Suranna
- Suravaram
- Suwannaphum
- Swanky and Moo Moo
- Syncopate
- Tangerine
- Taprom
- Tauri
- Taviraj
- Teko
- Telex
- Tenali Ramakrishna
- Tenor Sans
- Text Me One
- The Girl Next Door
- Tienne
- Tillana
- Timmana
- Tinos
- Titan One
- Titillium Web
- Trade Winds
- Trirong
- Trocchi
- Trochut
- Trykker
- Tulpen One
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Condensed
- Ubuntu Mono
- Ultra
- Uncial Antiqua
- Underdog
- Unica One
- UnifrakturCook
- UnifrakturMaguntia
- Unkempt
- Unlock
- Unna
- VT323
- Vampiro One
- Varela
- Varela Round
- Vast Shadow
- Vesper Libre
- Vibur
- Vidaloka
- Viga
- Voces
- Volkhov
- Vollkorn
- Voltaire
- Waiting for the Sunrise
- Wallpoet
- Walter Turncoat
- Warnes
- Wellfleet
- Wendy One
- Wire One
- Work Sans
- Yanone Kaffeesatz
- Yantramanav
- Yatra One
- Yellowtail
- Yeseva One
- Yesteryear
- Yrsa
- Zeyada
- Zilla Slab
- Zilla Slab Highlight
Choose Custom Color
Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option.
Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text.
Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text.
The higher the value, the bigger the blur; the shadow becomes wider and lighter.
The color of the shadow.
- Default
- Georgia
- Times New Roman
- Arial
- Trebuchet
- Verdana
- ABeeZee
- Abel
- Abhaya Libre
- Abril Fatface
- Aclonica
- Acme
- Actor
- Adamina
- Advent Pro
- Aguafina Script
- Akronim
- Aladin
- Aldrich
- Alef
- Alegreya
- Alegreya SC
- Alegreya Sans
- Alegreya Sans SC
- Alex Brush
- Alfa Slab One
- Alice
- Alike
- Alike Angular
- Allan
- Allerta
- Allerta Stencil
- Allura
- Almendra
- Almendra Display
- Almendra SC
- Amarante
- Amaranth
- Amatic SC
- Amethysta
- Amiko
- Amiri
- Amita
- Anaheim
- Andada
- Andika
- Angkor
- Annie Use Your Telescope
- Anonymous Pro
- Antic
- Antic Didone
- Antic Slab
- Anton
- Arapey
- Arbutus
- Arbutus Slab
- Architects Daughter
- Archivo
- Archivo Black
- Archivo Narrow
- Aref Ruqaa
- Arima Madurai
- Arimo
- Arizonia
- Armata
- Arsenal
- Artifika
- Arvo
- Arya
- Asap
- Asap Condensed
- Asar
- Asset
- Assistant
- Astloch
- Asul
- Athiti
- Atma
- Atomic Age
- Aubrey
- Audiowide
- Autour One
- Average
- Average Sans
- Averia Gruesa Libre
- Averia Libre
- Averia Sans Libre
- Averia Serif Libre
- Bad Script
- Bahiana
- Baloo
- Baloo Bhai
- Baloo Bhaijaan
- Baloo Bhaina
- Baloo Chettan
- Baloo Da
- Baloo Paaji
- Baloo Tamma
- Baloo Tammudu
- Baloo Thambi
- Balthazar
- Bangers
- Barrio
- Basic
- Battambang
- Baumans
- Bayon
- Belgrano
- Bellefair
- Belleza
- BenchNine
- Bentham
- Berkshire Swash
- Bevan
- Bigelow Rules
- Bigshot One
- Bilbo
- Bilbo Swash Caps
- BioRhyme
- BioRhyme Expanded
- Biryani
- Bitter
- Black Ops One
- Bokor
- Bonbon
- Boogaloo
- Bowlby One
- Bowlby One SC
- Brawler
- Bree Serif
- Bubblegum Sans
- Bubbler One
- Buda
- Buenard
- Bungee
- Bungee Hairline
- Bungee Inline
- Bungee Outline
- Bungee Shade
- Butcherman
- Butterfly Kids
- Cabin
- Cabin Condensed
- Cabin Sketch
- Caesar Dressing
- Cagliostro
- Cairo
- Calligraffitti
- Cambay
- Cambo
- Candal
- Cantarell
- Cantata One
- Cantora One
- Capriola
- Cardo
- Carme
- Carrois Gothic
- Carrois Gothic SC
- Carter One
- Catamaran
- Caudex
- Caveat
- Caveat Brush
- Cedarville Cursive
- Ceviche One
- Changa
- Changa One
- Chango
- Chathura
- Chau Philomene One
- Chela One
- Chelsea Market
- Chenla
- Cherry Cream Soda
- Cherry Swash
- Chewy
- Chicle
- Chivo
- Chonburi
- Cinzel
- Cinzel Decorative
- Clicker Script
- Coda
- Coda Caption
- Codystar
- Coiny
- Combo
- Comfortaa
- Coming Soon
- Concert One
- Condiment
- Content
- Contrail One
- Convergence
- Cookie
- Copse
- Corben
- Cormorant
- Cormorant Garamond
- Cormorant Infant
- Cormorant SC
- Cormorant Unicase
- Cormorant Upright
- Courgette
- Cousine
- Coustard
- Covered By Your Grace
- Crafty Girls
- Creepster
- Crete Round
- Crimson Text
- Croissant One
- Crushed
- Cuprum
- Cutive
- Cutive Mono
- Damion
- Dancing Script
- Dangrek
- David Libre
- Dawning of a New Day
- Days One
- Dekko
- Delius
- Delius Swash Caps
- Delius Unicase
- Della Respira
- Denk One
- Devonshire
- Dhurjati
- Didact Gothic
- Diplomata
- Diplomata SC
- Domine
- Donegal One
- Doppio One
- Dorsa
- Dosis
- Dr Sugiyama
- Droid Sans
- Droid Sans Mono
- Droid Serif
- Duru Sans
- Dynalight
- EB Garamond
- Eagle Lake
- Eater
- Economica
- Eczar
- El Messiri
- Electrolize
- Elsie
- Elsie Swash Caps
- Emblema One
- Emilys Candy
- Encode Sans
- Encode Sans Condensed
- Encode Sans Expanded
- Encode Sans Semi Condensed
- Encode Sans Semi Expanded
- Engagement
- Englebert
- Enriqueta
- Erica One
- Esteban
- Euphoria Script
- Ewert
- Exo
- Exo 2
- Expletus Sans
- Fanwood Text
- Farsan
- Fascinate
- Fascinate Inline
- Faster One
- Fasthand
- Fauna One
- Faustina
- Federant
- Federo
- Felipa
- Fenix
- Finger Paint
- Fira Mono
- Fira Sans
- Fira Sans Condensed
- Fira Sans Extra Condensed
- Fjalla One
- Fjord One
- Flamenco
- Flavors
- Fondamento
- Fontdiner Swanky
- Forum
- Francois One
- Frank Ruhl Libre
- Freckle Face
- Fredericka the Great
- Fredoka One
- Freehand
- Fresca
- Frijole
- Fruktur
- Fugaz One
- GFS Didot
- GFS Neohellenic
- Gabriela
- Gafata
- Galada
- Galdeano
- Galindo
- Gentium Basic
- Gentium Book Basic
- Geo
- Geostar
- Geostar Fill
- Germania One
- Gidugu
- Gilda Display
- Give You Glory
- Glass Antiqua
- Glegoo
- Gloria Hallelujah
- Goblin One
- Gochi Hand
- Gorditas
- Goudy Bookletter 1911
- Graduate
- Grand Hotel
- Gravitas One
- Great Vibes
- Griffy
- Gruppo
- Gudea
- Gurajada
- Habibi
- Halant
- Hammersmith One
- Hanalei
- Hanalei Fill
- Handlee
- Hanuman
- Happy Monkey
- Harmattan
- Headland One
- Heebo
- Henny Penny
- Herr Von Muellerhoff
- Hind
- Hind Guntur
- Hind Madurai
- Hind Siliguri
- Hind Vadodara
- Holtwood One SC
- Homemade Apple
- Homenaje
- IM Fell DW Pica
- IM Fell DW Pica SC
- IM Fell Double Pica
- IM Fell Double Pica SC
- IM Fell English
- IM Fell English SC
- IM Fell French Canon
- IM Fell French Canon SC
- IM Fell Great Primer
- IM Fell Great Primer SC
- Iceberg
- Iceland
- Imprima
- Inconsolata
- Inder
- Indie Flower
- Inika
- Inknut Antiqua
- Irish Grover
- Istok Web
- Italiana
- Italianno
- Itim
- Jacques Francois
- Jacques Francois Shadow
- Jaldi
- Jim Nightshade
- Jockey One
- Jolly Lodger
- Jomhuria
- Josefin Sans
- Josefin Slab
- Joti One
- Judson
- Julee
- Julius Sans One
- Junge
- Jura
- Just Another Hand
- Just Me Again Down Here
- Kadwa
- Kalam
- Kameron
- Kanit
- Kantumruy
- Karla
- Karma
- Katibeh
- Kaushan Script
- Kavivanar
- Kavoon
- Kdam Thmor
- Keania One
- Kelly Slab
- Kenia
- Khand
- Khmer
- Khula
- Kite One
- Knewave
- Kotta One
- Koulen
- Kranky
- Kreon
- Kristi
- Krona One
- Kumar One
- Kumar One Outline
- Kurale
- La Belle Aurore
- Laila
- Lakki Reddy
- Lalezar
- Lancelot
- Lateef
- Lato
- League Script
- Leckerli One
- Ledger
- Lekton
- Lemon
- Lemonada
- Libre Barcode 128
- Libre Barcode 128 Text
- Libre Barcode 39
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text
- Libre Barcode 39 Text
- Libre Baskerville
- Libre Franklin
- Life Savers
- Lilita One
- Lily Script One
- Limelight
- Linden Hill
- Lobster
- Lobster Two
- Londrina Outline
- Londrina Shadow
- Londrina Sketch
- Londrina Solid
- Lora
- Love Ya Like A Sister
- Loved by the King
- Lovers Quarrel
- Luckiest Guy
- Lusitana
- Lustria
- Macondo
- Macondo Swash Caps
- Mada
- Magra
- Maiden Orange
- Maitree
- Mako
- Mallanna
- Mandali
- Manuale
- Marcellus
- Marcellus SC
- Marck Script
- Margarine
- Marko One
- Marmelad
- Martel
- Martel Sans
- Marvel
- Mate
- Mate SC
- Maven Pro
- McLaren
- Meddon
- MedievalSharp
- Medula One
- Meera Inimai
- Megrim
- Meie Script
- Merienda
- Merienda One
- Merriweather
- Merriweather Sans
- Metal
- Metal Mania
- Metamorphous
- Metrophobic
- Michroma
- Milonga
- Miltonian
- Miltonian Tattoo
- Miniver
- Miriam Libre
- Mirza
- Miss Fajardose
- Mitr
- Modak
- Modern Antiqua
- Mogra
- Molengo
- Molle
- Monda
- Monofett
- Monoton
- Monsieur La Doulaise
- Montaga
- Montez
- Montserrat
- Montserrat Alternates
- Montserrat Subrayada
- Moul
- Moulpali
- Mountains of Christmas
- Mouse Memoirs
- Mr Bedfort
- Mr Dafoe
- Mr De Haviland
- Mrs Saint Delafield
- Mrs Sheppards
- Mukta
- Mukta Mahee
- Mukta Malar
- Mukta Vaani
- Muli
- Mystery Quest
- Neucha
- Neuton
- New Rocker
- News Cycle
- Niconne
- Nixie One
- Nobile
- Nokora
- Norican
- Nosifer
- Nothing You Could Do
- Noticia Text
- Noto Sans
- Noto Serif
- Nova Cut
- Nova Flat
- Nova Mono
- Nova Oval
- Nova Round
- Nova Script
- Nova Slim
- Nova Square
- Numans
- Nunito
- Nunito Sans
- Odor Mean Chey
- Offside
- Old Standard TT
- Oldenburg
- Oleo Script
- Oleo Script Swash Caps
- Open Sans
- Open Sans Condensed
- Oranienbaum
- Orbitron
- Oregano
- Orienta
- Original Surfer
- Oswald
- Over the Rainbow
- Overlock
- Overlock SC
- Overpass
- Overpass Mono
- Ovo
- Oxygen
- Oxygen Mono
- PT Mono
- PT Sans
- PT Sans Caption
- PT Sans Narrow
- PT Serif
- PT Serif Caption
- Pacifico
- Padauk
- Palanquin
- Palanquin Dark
- Pangolin
- Paprika
- Parisienne
- Passero One
- Passion One
- Pathway Gothic One
- Patrick Hand
- Patrick Hand SC
- Pattaya
- Patua One
- Pavanam
- Paytone One
- Peddana
- Peralta
- Permanent Marker
- Petit Formal Script
- Petrona
- Philosopher
- Piedra
- Pinyon Script
- Pirata One
- Plaster
- Play
- Playball
- Playfair Display
- Playfair Display SC
- Podkova
- Poiret One
- Poller One
- Poly
- Pompiere
- Pontano Sans
- Poppins
- Port Lligat Sans
- Port Lligat Slab
- Pragati Narrow
- Prata
- Preahvihear
- Press Start 2P
- Pridi
- Princess Sofia
- Prociono
- Prompt
- Prosto One
- Proza Libre
- Puritan
- Purple Purse
- Quando
- Quantico
- Quattrocento
- Quattrocento Sans
- Questrial
- Quicksand
- Quintessential
- Qwigley
- Racing Sans One
- Radley
- Rajdhani
- Rakkas
- Raleway
- Raleway Dots
- Ramabhadra
- Ramaraja
- Rambla
- Rammetto One
- Ranchers
- Rancho
- Ranga
- Rasa
- Rationale
- Ravi Prakash
- Redressed
- Reem Kufi
- Reenie Beanie
- Revalia
- Rhodium Libre
- Ribeye
- Ribeye Marrow
- Righteous
- Risque
- Roboto
- Roboto Condensed
- Roboto Mono
- Roboto Slab
- Rochester
- Rock Salt
- Rokkitt
- Romanesco
- Ropa Sans
- Rosario
- Rosarivo
- Rouge Script
- Rozha One
- Rubik
- Rubik Mono One
- Ruda
- Rufina
- Ruge Boogie
- Ruluko
- Rum Raisin
- Ruslan Display
- Russo One
- Ruthie
- Rye
- Sacramento
- Sahitya
- Sail
- Saira
- Saira Condensed
- Saira Extra Condensed
- Saira Semi Condensed
- Salsa
- Sanchez
- Sancreek
- Sansita
- Sarala
- Sarina
- Sarpanch
- Satisfy
- Scada
- Scheherazade
- Schoolbell
- Scope One
- Seaweed Script
- Secular One
- Sedgwick Ave
- Sedgwick Ave Display
- Sevillana
- Seymour One
- Shadows Into Light
- Shadows Into Light Two
- Shanti
- Share
- Share Tech
- Share Tech Mono
- Shojumaru
- Short Stack
- Shrikhand
- Siemreap
- Sigmar One
- Signika
- Signika Negative
- Simonetta
- Sintony
- Sirin Stencil
- Six Caps
- Skranji
- Slabo 13px
- Slabo 27px
- Slackey
- Smokum
- Smythe
- Sniglet
- Snippet
- Snowburst One
- Sofadi One
- Sofia
- Sonsie One
- Sorts Mill Goudy
- Source Code Pro
- Source Sans Pro
- Source Serif Pro
- Space Mono
- Special Elite
- Spectral
- Spicy Rice
- Spinnaker
- Spirax
- Squada One
- Sree Krushnadevaraya
- Sriracha
- Stalemate
- Stalinist One
- Stardos Stencil
- Stint Ultra Condensed
- Stint Ultra Expanded
- Stoke
- Strait
- Sue Ellen Francisco
- Suez One
- Sumana
- Sunshiney
- Supermercado One
- Sura
- Suranna
- Suravaram
- Suwannaphum
- Swanky and Moo Moo
- Syncopate
- Tangerine
- Taprom
- Tauri
- Taviraj
- Teko
- Telex
- Tenali Ramakrishna
- Tenor Sans
- Text Me One
- The Girl Next Door
- Tienne
- Tillana
- Timmana
- Tinos
- Titan One
- Titillium Web
- Trade Winds
- Trirong
- Trocchi
- Trochut
- Trykker
- Tulpen One
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Condensed
- Ubuntu Mono
- Ultra
- Uncial Antiqua
- Underdog
- Unica One
- UnifrakturCook
- UnifrakturMaguntia
- Unkempt
- Unlock
- Unna
- VT323
- Vampiro One
- Varela
- Varela Round
- Vast Shadow
- Vesper Libre
- Vibur
- Vidaloka
- Viga
- Voces
- Volkhov
- Vollkorn
- Voltaire
- Waiting for the Sunrise
- Wallpoet
- Walter Turncoat
- Warnes
- Wellfleet
- Wendy One
- Wire One
- Work Sans
- Yanone Kaffeesatz
- Yantramanav
- Yatra One
- Yellowtail
- Yeseva One
- Yesteryear
- Yrsa
- Zeyada
- Zilla Slab
- Zilla Slab Highlight
Choose Custom Color
Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option.
Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text.
Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text.
The higher the value, the bigger the blur; the shadow becomes wider and lighter.
The color of the shadow.
Choose Custom Color
Heading Text
- Default
- Georgia
- Times New Roman
- Arial
- Trebuchet
- Verdana
- ABeeZee
- Abel
- Abhaya Libre
- Abril Fatface
- Aclonica
- Acme
- Actor
- Adamina
- Advent Pro
- Aguafina Script
- Akronim
- Aladin
- Aldrich
- Alef
- Alegreya
- Alegreya SC
- Alegreya Sans
- Alegreya Sans SC
- Alex Brush
- Alfa Slab One
- Alice
- Alike
- Alike Angular
- Allan
- Allerta
- Allerta Stencil
- Allura
- Almendra
- Almendra Display
- Almendra SC
- Amarante
- Amaranth
- Amatic SC
- Amethysta
- Amiko
- Amiri
- Amita
- Anaheim
- Andada
- Andika
- Angkor
- Annie Use Your Telescope
- Anonymous Pro
- Antic
- Antic Didone
- Antic Slab
- Anton
- Arapey
- Arbutus
- Arbutus Slab
- Architects Daughter
- Archivo
- Archivo Black
- Archivo Narrow
- Aref Ruqaa
- Arima Madurai
- Arimo
- Arizonia
- Armata
- Arsenal
- Artifika
- Arvo
- Arya
- Asap
- Asap Condensed
- Asar
- Asset
- Assistant
- Astloch
- Asul
- Athiti
- Atma
- Atomic Age
- Aubrey
- Audiowide
- Autour One
- Average
- Average Sans
- Averia Gruesa Libre
- Averia Libre
- Averia Sans Libre
- Averia Serif Libre
- Bad Script
- Bahiana
- Baloo
- Baloo Bhai
- Baloo Bhaijaan
- Baloo Bhaina
- Baloo Chettan
- Baloo Da
- Baloo Paaji
- Baloo Tamma
- Baloo Tammudu
- Baloo Thambi
- Balthazar
- Bangers
- Barrio
- Basic
- Battambang
- Baumans
- Bayon
- Belgrano
- Bellefair
- Belleza
- BenchNine
- Bentham
- Berkshire Swash
- Bevan
- Bigelow Rules
- Bigshot One
- Bilbo
- Bilbo Swash Caps
- BioRhyme
- BioRhyme Expanded
- Biryani
- Bitter
- Black Ops One
- Bokor
- Bonbon
- Boogaloo
- Bowlby One
- Bowlby One SC
- Brawler
- Bree Serif
- Bubblegum Sans
- Bubbler One
- Buda
- Buenard
- Bungee
- Bungee Hairline
- Bungee Inline
- Bungee Outline
- Bungee Shade
- Butcherman
- Butterfly Kids
- Cabin
- Cabin Condensed
- Cabin Sketch
- Caesar Dressing
- Cagliostro
- Cairo
- Calligraffitti
- Cambay
- Cambo
- Candal
- Cantarell
- Cantata One
- Cantora One
- Capriola
- Cardo
- Carme
- Carrois Gothic
- Carrois Gothic SC
- Carter One
- Catamaran
- Caudex
- Caveat
- Caveat Brush
- Cedarville Cursive
- Ceviche One
- Changa
- Changa One
- Chango
- Chathura
- Chau Philomene One
- Chela One
- Chelsea Market
- Chenla
- Cherry Cream Soda
- Cherry Swash
- Chewy
- Chicle
- Chivo
- Chonburi
- Cinzel
- Cinzel Decorative
- Clicker Script
- Coda
- Coda Caption
- Codystar
- Coiny
- Combo
- Comfortaa
- Coming Soon
- Concert One
- Condiment
- Content
- Contrail One
- Convergence
- Cookie
- Copse
- Corben
- Cormorant
- Cormorant Garamond
- Cormorant Infant
- Cormorant SC
- Cormorant Unicase
- Cormorant Upright
- Courgette
- Cousine
- Coustard
- Covered By Your Grace
- Crafty Girls
- Creepster
- Crete Round
- Crimson Text
- Croissant One
- Crushed
- Cuprum
- Cutive
- Cutive Mono
- Damion
- Dancing Script
- Dangrek
- David Libre
- Dawning of a New Day
- Days One
- Dekko
- Delius
- Delius Swash Caps
- Delius Unicase
- Della Respira
- Denk One
- Devonshire
- Dhurjati
- Didact Gothic
- Diplomata
- Diplomata SC
- Domine
- Donegal One
- Doppio One
- Dorsa
- Dosis
- Dr Sugiyama
- Droid Sans
- Droid Sans Mono
- Droid Serif
- Duru Sans
- Dynalight
- EB Garamond
- Eagle Lake
- Eater
- Economica
- Eczar
- El Messiri
- Electrolize
- Elsie
- Elsie Swash Caps
- Emblema One
- Emilys Candy
- Encode Sans
- Encode Sans Condensed
- Encode Sans Expanded
- Encode Sans Semi Condensed
- Encode Sans Semi Expanded
- Engagement
- Englebert
- Enriqueta
- Erica One
- Esteban
- Euphoria Script
- Ewert
- Exo
- Exo 2
- Expletus Sans
- Fanwood Text
- Farsan
- Fascinate
- Fascinate Inline
- Faster One
- Fasthand
- Fauna One
- Faustina
- Federant
- Federo
- Felipa
- Fenix
- Finger Paint
- Fira Mono
- Fira Sans
- Fira Sans Condensed
- Fira Sans Extra Condensed
- Fjalla One
- Fjord One
- Flamenco
- Flavors
- Fondamento
- Fontdiner Swanky
- Forum
- Francois One
- Frank Ruhl Libre
- Freckle Face
- Fredericka the Great
- Fredoka One
- Freehand
- Fresca
- Frijole
- Fruktur
- Fugaz One
- GFS Didot
- GFS Neohellenic
- Gabriela
- Gafata
- Galada
- Galdeano
- Galindo
- Gentium Basic
- Gentium Book Basic
- Geo
- Geostar
- Geostar Fill
- Germania One
- Gidugu
- Gilda Display
- Give You Glory
- Glass Antiqua
- Glegoo
- Gloria Hallelujah
- Goblin One
- Gochi Hand
- Gorditas
- Goudy Bookletter 1911
- Graduate
- Grand Hotel
- Gravitas One
- Great Vibes
- Griffy
- Gruppo
- Gudea
- Gurajada
- Habibi
- Halant
- Hammersmith One
- Hanalei
- Hanalei Fill
- Handlee
- Hanuman
- Happy Monkey
- Harmattan
- Headland One
- Heebo
- Henny Penny
- Herr Von Muellerhoff
- Hind
- Hind Guntur
- Hind Madurai
- Hind Siliguri
- Hind Vadodara
- Holtwood One SC
- Homemade Apple
- Homenaje
- IM Fell DW Pica
- IM Fell DW Pica SC
- IM Fell Double Pica
- IM Fell Double Pica SC
- IM Fell English
- IM Fell English SC
- IM Fell French Canon
- IM Fell French Canon SC
- IM Fell Great Primer
- IM Fell Great Primer SC
- Iceberg
- Iceland
- Imprima
- Inconsolata
- Inder
- Indie Flower
- Inika
- Inknut Antiqua
- Irish Grover
- Istok Web
- Italiana
- Italianno
- Itim
- Jacques Francois
- Jacques Francois Shadow
- Jaldi
- Jim Nightshade
- Jockey One
- Jolly Lodger
- Jomhuria
- Josefin Sans
- Josefin Slab
- Joti One
- Judson
- Julee
- Julius Sans One
- Junge
- Jura
- Just Another Hand
- Just Me Again Down Here
- Kadwa
- Kalam
- Kameron
- Kanit
- Kantumruy
- Karla
- Karma
- Katibeh
- Kaushan Script
- Kavivanar
- Kavoon
- Kdam Thmor
- Keania One
- Kelly Slab
- Kenia
- Khand
- Khmer
- Khula
- Kite One
- Knewave
- Kotta One
- Koulen
- Kranky
- Kreon
- Kristi
- Krona One
- Kumar One
- Kumar One Outline
- Kurale
- La Belle Aurore
- Laila
- Lakki Reddy
- Lalezar
- Lancelot
- Lateef
- Lato
- League Script
- Leckerli One
- Ledger
- Lekton
- Lemon
- Lemonada
- Libre Barcode 128
- Libre Barcode 128 Text
- Libre Barcode 39
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text
- Libre Barcode 39 Text
- Libre Baskerville
- Libre Franklin
- Life Savers
- Lilita One
- Lily Script One
- Limelight
- Linden Hill
- Lobster
- Lobster Two
- Londrina Outline
- Londrina Shadow
- Londrina Sketch
- Londrina Solid
- Lora
- Love Ya Like A Sister
- Loved by the King
- Lovers Quarrel
- Luckiest Guy
- Lusitana
- Lustria
- Macondo
- Macondo Swash Caps
- Mada
- Magra
- Maiden Orange
- Maitree
- Mako
- Mallanna
- Mandali
- Manuale
- Marcellus
- Marcellus SC
- Marck Script
- Margarine
- Marko One
- Marmelad
- Martel
- Martel Sans
- Marvel
- Mate
- Mate SC
- Maven Pro
- McLaren
- Meddon
- MedievalSharp
- Medula One
- Meera Inimai
- Megrim
- Meie Script
- Merienda
- Merienda One
- Merriweather
- Merriweather Sans
- Metal
- Metal Mania
- Metamorphous
- Metrophobic
- Michroma
- Milonga
- Miltonian
- Miltonian Tattoo
- Miniver
- Miriam Libre
- Mirza
- Miss Fajardose
- Mitr
- Modak
- Modern Antiqua
- Mogra
- Molengo
- Molle
- Monda
- Monofett
- Monoton
- Monsieur La Doulaise
- Montaga
- Montez
- Montserrat
- Montserrat Alternates
- Montserrat Subrayada
- Moul
- Moulpali
- Mountains of Christmas
- Mouse Memoirs
- Mr Bedfort
- Mr Dafoe
- Mr De Haviland
- Mrs Saint Delafield
- Mrs Sheppards
- Mukta
- Mukta Mahee
- Mukta Malar
- Mukta Vaani
- Muli
- Mystery Quest
- Neucha
- Neuton
- New Rocker
- News Cycle
- Niconne
- Nixie One
- Nobile
- Nokora
- Norican
- Nosifer
- Nothing You Could Do
- Noticia Text
- Noto Sans
- Noto Serif
- Nova Cut
- Nova Flat
- Nova Mono
- Nova Oval
- Nova Round
- Nova Script
- Nova Slim
- Nova Square
- Numans
- Nunito
- Nunito Sans
- Odor Mean Chey
- Offside
- Old Standard TT
- Oldenburg
- Oleo Script
- Oleo Script Swash Caps
- Open Sans
- Open Sans Condensed
- Oranienbaum
- Orbitron
- Oregano
- Orienta
- Original Surfer
- Oswald
- Over the Rainbow
- Overlock
- Overlock SC
- Overpass
- Overpass Mono
- Ovo
- Oxygen
- Oxygen Mono
- PT Mono
- PT Sans
- PT Sans Caption
- PT Sans Narrow
- PT Serif
- PT Serif Caption
- Pacifico
- Padauk
- Palanquin
- Palanquin Dark
- Pangolin
- Paprika
- Parisienne
- Passero One
- Passion One
- Pathway Gothic One
- Patrick Hand
- Patrick Hand SC
- Pattaya
- Patua One
- Pavanam
- Paytone One
- Peddana
- Peralta
- Permanent Marker
- Petit Formal Script
- Petrona
- Philosopher
- Piedra
- Pinyon Script
- Pirata One
- Plaster
- Play
- Playball
- Playfair Display
- Playfair Display SC
- Podkova
- Poiret One
- Poller One
- Poly
- Pompiere
- Pontano Sans
- Poppins
- Port Lligat Sans
- Port Lligat Slab
- Pragati Narrow
- Prata
- Preahvihear
- Press Start 2P
- Pridi
- Princess Sofia
- Prociono
- Prompt
- Prosto One
- Proza Libre
- Puritan
- Purple Purse
- Quando
- Quantico
- Quattrocento
- Quattrocento Sans
- Questrial
- Quicksand
- Quintessential
- Qwigley
- Racing Sans One
- Radley
- Rajdhani
- Rakkas
- Raleway
- Raleway Dots
- Ramabhadra
- Ramaraja
- Rambla
- Rammetto One
- Ranchers
- Rancho
- Ranga
- Rasa
- Rationale
- Ravi Prakash
- Redressed
- Reem Kufi
- Reenie Beanie
- Revalia
- Rhodium Libre
- Ribeye
- Ribeye Marrow
- Righteous
- Risque
- Roboto
- Roboto Condensed
- Roboto Mono
- Roboto Slab
- Rochester
- Rock Salt
- Rokkitt
- Romanesco
- Ropa Sans
- Rosario
- Rosarivo
- Rouge Script
- Rozha One
- Rubik
- Rubik Mono One
- Ruda
- Rufina
- Ruge Boogie
- Ruluko
- Rum Raisin
- Ruslan Display
- Russo One
- Ruthie
- Rye
- Sacramento
- Sahitya
- Sail
- Saira
- Saira Condensed
- Saira Extra Condensed
- Saira Semi Condensed
- Salsa
- Sanchez
- Sancreek
- Sansita
- Sarala
- Sarina
- Sarpanch
- Satisfy
- Scada
- Scheherazade
- Schoolbell
- Scope One
- Seaweed Script
- Secular One
- Sedgwick Ave
- Sedgwick Ave Display
- Sevillana
- Seymour One
- Shadows Into Light
- Shadows Into Light Two
- Shanti
- Share
- Share Tech
- Share Tech Mono
- Shojumaru
- Short Stack
- Shrikhand
- Siemreap
- Sigmar One
- Signika
- Signika Negative
- Simonetta
- Sintony
- Sirin Stencil
- Six Caps
- Skranji
- Slabo 13px
- Slabo 27px
- Slackey
- Smokum
- Smythe
- Sniglet
- Snippet
- Snowburst One
- Sofadi One
- Sofia
- Sonsie One
- Sorts Mill Goudy
- Source Code Pro
- Source Sans Pro
- Source Serif Pro
- Space Mono
- Special Elite
- Spectral
- Spicy Rice
- Spinnaker
- Spirax
- Squada One
- Sree Krushnadevaraya
- Sriracha
- Stalemate
- Stalinist One
- Stardos Stencil
- Stint Ultra Condensed
- Stint Ultra Expanded
- Stoke
- Strait
- Sue Ellen Francisco
- Suez One
- Sumana
- Sunshiney
- Supermercado One
- Sura
- Suranna
- Suravaram
- Suwannaphum
- Swanky and Moo Moo
- Syncopate
- Tangerine
- Taprom
- Tauri
- Taviraj
- Teko
- Telex
- Tenali Ramakrishna
- Tenor Sans
- Text Me One
- The Girl Next Door
- Tienne
- Tillana
- Timmana
- Tinos
- Titan One
- Titillium Web
- Trade Winds
- Trirong
- Trocchi
- Trochut
- Trykker
- Tulpen One
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Condensed
- Ubuntu Mono
- Ultra
- Uncial Antiqua
- Underdog
- Unica One
- UnifrakturCook
- UnifrakturMaguntia
- Unkempt
- Unlock
- Unna
- VT323
- Vampiro One
- Varela
- Varela Round
- Vast Shadow
- Vesper Libre
- Vibur
- Vidaloka
- Viga
- Voces
- Volkhov
- Vollkorn
- Voltaire
- Waiting for the Sunrise
- Wallpoet
- Walter Turncoat
- Warnes
- Wellfleet
- Wendy One
- Wire One
- Work Sans
- Yanone Kaffeesatz
- Yantramanav
- Yatra One
- Yellowtail
- Yeseva One
- Yesteryear
- Yrsa
- Zeyada
- Zilla Slab
- Zilla Slab Highlight
Choose Custom Color
Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option.
Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text.
Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text.
The higher the value, the bigger the blur; the shadow becomes wider and lighter.
The color of the shadow.
- Default
- Georgia
- Times New Roman
- Arial
- Trebuchet
- Verdana
- ABeeZee
- Abel
- Abhaya Libre
- Abril Fatface
- Aclonica
- Acme
- Actor
- Adamina
- Advent Pro
- Aguafina Script
- Akronim
- Aladin
- Aldrich
- Alef
- Alegreya
- Alegreya SC
- Alegreya Sans
- Alegreya Sans SC
- Alex Brush
- Alfa Slab One
- Alice
- Alike
- Alike Angular
- Allan
- Allerta
- Allerta Stencil
- Allura
- Almendra
- Almendra Display
- Almendra SC
- Amarante
- Amaranth
- Amatic SC
- Amethysta
- Amiko
- Amiri
- Amita
- Anaheim
- Andada
- Andika
- Angkor
- Annie Use Your Telescope
- Anonymous Pro
- Antic
- Antic Didone
- Antic Slab
- Anton
- Arapey
- Arbutus
- Arbutus Slab
- Architects Daughter
- Archivo
- Archivo Black
- Archivo Narrow
- Aref Ruqaa
- Arima Madurai
- Arimo
- Arizonia
- Armata
- Arsenal
- Artifika
- Arvo
- Arya
- Asap
- Asap Condensed
- Asar
- Asset
- Assistant
- Astloch
- Asul
- Athiti
- Atma
- Atomic Age
- Aubrey
- Audiowide
- Autour One
- Average
- Average Sans
- Averia Gruesa Libre
- Averia Libre
- Averia Sans Libre
- Averia Serif Libre
- Bad Script
- Bahiana
- Baloo
- Baloo Bhai
- Baloo Bhaijaan
- Baloo Bhaina
- Baloo Chettan
- Baloo Da
- Baloo Paaji
- Baloo Tamma
- Baloo Tammudu
- Baloo Thambi
- Balthazar
- Bangers
- Barrio
- Basic
- Battambang
- Baumans
- Bayon
- Belgrano
- Bellefair
- Belleza
- BenchNine
- Bentham
- Berkshire Swash
- Bevan
- Bigelow Rules
- Bigshot One
- Bilbo
- Bilbo Swash Caps
- BioRhyme
- BioRhyme Expanded
- Biryani
- Bitter
- Black Ops One
- Bokor
- Bonbon
- Boogaloo
- Bowlby One
- Bowlby One SC
- Brawler
- Bree Serif
- Bubblegum Sans
- Bubbler One
- Buda
- Buenard
- Bungee
- Bungee Hairline
- Bungee Inline
- Bungee Outline
- Bungee Shade
- Butcherman
- Butterfly Kids
- Cabin
- Cabin Condensed
- Cabin Sketch
- Caesar Dressing
- Cagliostro
- Cairo
- Calligraffitti
- Cambay
- Cambo
- Candal
- Cantarell
- Cantata One
- Cantora One
- Capriola
- Cardo
- Carme
- Carrois Gothic
- Carrois Gothic SC
- Carter One
- Catamaran
- Caudex
- Caveat
- Caveat Brush
- Cedarville Cursive
- Ceviche One
- Changa
- Changa One
- Chango
- Chathura
- Chau Philomene One
- Chela One
- Chelsea Market
- Chenla
- Cherry Cream Soda
- Cherry Swash
- Chewy
- Chicle
- Chivo
- Chonburi
- Cinzel
- Cinzel Decorative
- Clicker Script
- Coda
- Coda Caption
- Codystar
- Coiny
- Combo
- Comfortaa
- Coming Soon
- Concert One
- Condiment
- Content
- Contrail One
- Convergence
- Cookie
- Copse
- Corben
- Cormorant
- Cormorant Garamond
- Cormorant Infant
- Cormorant SC
- Cormorant Unicase
- Cormorant Upright
- Courgette
- Cousine
- Coustard
- Covered By Your Grace
- Crafty Girls
- Creepster
- Crete Round
- Crimson Text
- Croissant One
- Crushed
- Cuprum
- Cutive
- Cutive Mono
- Damion
- Dancing Script
- Dangrek
- David Libre
- Dawning of a New Day
- Days One
- Dekko
- Delius
- Delius Swash Caps
- Delius Unicase
- Della Respira
- Denk One
- Devonshire
- Dhurjati
- Didact Gothic
- Diplomata
- Diplomata SC
- Domine
- Donegal One
- Doppio One
- Dorsa
- Dosis
- Dr Sugiyama
- Droid Sans
- Droid Sans Mono
- Droid Serif
- Duru Sans
- Dynalight
- EB Garamond
- Eagle Lake
- Eater
- Economica
- Eczar
- El Messiri
- Electrolize
- Elsie
- Elsie Swash Caps
- Emblema One
- Emilys Candy
- Encode Sans
- Encode Sans Condensed
- Encode Sans Expanded
- Encode Sans Semi Condensed
- Encode Sans Semi Expanded
- Engagement
- Englebert
- Enriqueta
- Erica One
- Esteban
- Euphoria Script
- Ewert
- Exo
- Exo 2
- Expletus Sans
- Fanwood Text
- Farsan
- Fascinate
- Fascinate Inline
- Faster One
- Fasthand
- Fauna One
- Faustina
- Federant
- Federo
- Felipa
- Fenix
- Finger Paint
- Fira Mono
- Fira Sans
- Fira Sans Condensed
- Fira Sans Extra Condensed
- Fjalla One
- Fjord One
- Flamenco
- Flavors
- Fondamento
- Fontdiner Swanky
- Forum
- Francois One
- Frank Ruhl Libre
- Freckle Face
- Fredericka the Great
- Fredoka One
- Freehand
- Fresca
- Frijole
- Fruktur
- Fugaz One
- GFS Didot
- GFS Neohellenic
- Gabriela
- Gafata
- Galada
- Galdeano
- Galindo
- Gentium Basic
- Gentium Book Basic
- Geo
- Geostar
- Geostar Fill
- Germania One
- Gidugu
- Gilda Display
- Give You Glory
- Glass Antiqua
- Glegoo
- Gloria Hallelujah
- Goblin One
- Gochi Hand
- Gorditas
- Goudy Bookletter 1911
- Graduate
- Grand Hotel
- Gravitas One
- Great Vibes
- Griffy
- Gruppo
- Gudea
- Gurajada
- Habibi
- Halant
- Hammersmith One
- Hanalei
- Hanalei Fill
- Handlee
- Hanuman
- Happy Monkey
- Harmattan
- Headland One
- Heebo
- Henny Penny
- Herr Von Muellerhoff
- Hind
- Hind Guntur
- Hind Madurai
- Hind Siliguri
- Hind Vadodara
- Holtwood One SC
- Homemade Apple
- Homenaje
- IM Fell DW Pica
- IM Fell DW Pica SC
- IM Fell Double Pica
- IM Fell Double Pica SC
- IM Fell English
- IM Fell English SC
- IM Fell French Canon
- IM Fell French Canon SC
- IM Fell Great Primer
- IM Fell Great Primer SC
- Iceberg
- Iceland
- Imprima
- Inconsolata
- Inder
- Indie Flower
- Inika
- Inknut Antiqua
- Irish Grover
- Istok Web
- Italiana
- Italianno
- Itim
- Jacques Francois
- Jacques Francois Shadow
- Jaldi
- Jim Nightshade
- Jockey One
- Jolly Lodger
- Jomhuria
- Josefin Sans
- Josefin Slab
- Joti One
- Judson
- Julee
- Julius Sans One
- Junge
- Jura
- Just Another Hand
- Just Me Again Down Here
- Kadwa
- Kalam
- Kameron
- Kanit
- Kantumruy
- Karla
- Karma
- Katibeh
- Kaushan Script
- Kavivanar
- Kavoon
- Kdam Thmor
- Keania One
- Kelly Slab
- Kenia
- Khand
- Khmer
- Khula
- Kite One
- Knewave
- Kotta One
- Koulen
- Kranky
- Kreon
- Kristi
- Krona One
- Kumar One
- Kumar One Outline
- Kurale
- La Belle Aurore
- Laila
- Lakki Reddy
- Lalezar
- Lancelot
- Lateef
- Lato
- League Script
- Leckerli One
- Ledger
- Lekton
- Lemon
- Lemonada
- Libre Barcode 128
- Libre Barcode 128 Text
- Libre Barcode 39
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text
- Libre Barcode 39 Text
- Libre Baskerville
- Libre Franklin
- Life Savers
- Lilita One
- Lily Script One
- Limelight
- Linden Hill
- Lobster
- Lobster Two
- Londrina Outline
- Londrina Shadow
- Londrina Sketch
- Londrina Solid
- Lora
- Love Ya Like A Sister
- Loved by the King
- Lovers Quarrel
- Luckiest Guy
- Lusitana
- Lustria
- Macondo
- Macondo Swash Caps
- Mada
- Magra
- Maiden Orange
- Maitree
- Mako
- Mallanna
- Mandali
- Manuale
- Marcellus
- Marcellus SC
- Marck Script
- Margarine
- Marko One
- Marmelad
- Martel
- Martel Sans
- Marvel
- Mate
- Mate SC
- Maven Pro
- McLaren
- Meddon
- MedievalSharp
- Medula One
- Meera Inimai
- Megrim
- Meie Script
- Merienda
- Merienda One
- Merriweather
- Merriweather Sans
- Metal
- Metal Mania
- Metamorphous
- Metrophobic
- Michroma
- Milonga
- Miltonian
- Miltonian Tattoo
- Miniver
- Miriam Libre
- Mirza
- Miss Fajardose
- Mitr
- Modak
- Modern Antiqua
- Mogra
- Molengo
- Molle
- Monda
- Monofett
- Monoton
- Monsieur La Doulaise
- Montaga
- Montez
- Montserrat
- Montserrat Alternates
- Montserrat Subrayada
- Moul
- Moulpali
- Mountains of Christmas
- Mouse Memoirs
- Mr Bedfort
- Mr Dafoe
- Mr De Haviland
- Mrs Saint Delafield
- Mrs Sheppards
- Mukta
- Mukta Mahee
- Mukta Malar
- Mukta Vaani
- Muli
- Mystery Quest
- Neucha
- Neuton
- New Rocker
- News Cycle
- Niconne
- Nixie One
- Nobile
- Nokora
- Norican
- Nosifer
- Nothing You Could Do
- Noticia Text
- Noto Sans
- Noto Serif
- Nova Cut
- Nova Flat
- Nova Mono
- Nova Oval
- Nova Round
- Nova Script
- Nova Slim
- Nova Square
- Numans
- Nunito
- Nunito Sans
- Odor Mean Chey
- Offside
- Old Standard TT
- Oldenburg
- Oleo Script
- Oleo Script Swash Caps
- Open Sans
- Open Sans Condensed
- Oranienbaum
- Orbitron
- Oregano
- Orienta
- Original Surfer
- Oswald
- Over the Rainbow
- Overlock
- Overlock SC
- Overpass
- Overpass Mono
- Ovo
- Oxygen
- Oxygen Mono
- PT Mono
- PT Sans
- PT Sans Caption
- PT Sans Narrow
- PT Serif
- PT Serif Caption
- Pacifico
- Padauk
- Palanquin
- Palanquin Dark
- Pangolin
- Paprika
- Parisienne
- Passero One
- Passion One
- Pathway Gothic One
- Patrick Hand
- Patrick Hand SC
- Pattaya
- Patua One
- Pavanam
- Paytone One
- Peddana
- Peralta
- Permanent Marker
- Petit Formal Script
- Petrona
- Philosopher
- Piedra
- Pinyon Script
- Pirata One
- Plaster
- Play
- Playball
- Playfair Display
- Playfair Display SC
- Podkova
- Poiret One
- Poller One
- Poly
- Pompiere
- Pontano Sans
- Poppins
- Port Lligat Sans
- Port Lligat Slab
- Pragati Narrow
- Prata
- Preahvihear
- Press Start 2P
- Pridi
- Princess Sofia
- Prociono
- Prompt
- Prosto One
- Proza Libre
- Puritan
- Purple Purse
- Quando
- Quantico
- Quattrocento
- Quattrocento Sans
- Questrial
- Quicksand
- Quintessential
- Qwigley
- Racing Sans One
- Radley
- Rajdhani
- Rakkas
- Raleway
- Raleway Dots
- Ramabhadra
- Ramaraja
- Rambla
- Rammetto One
- Ranchers
- Rancho
- Ranga
- Rasa
- Rationale
- Ravi Prakash
- Redressed
- Reem Kufi
- Reenie Beanie
- Revalia
- Rhodium Libre
- Ribeye
- Ribeye Marrow
- Righteous
- Risque
- Roboto
- Roboto Condensed
- Roboto Mono
- Roboto Slab
- Rochester
- Rock Salt
- Rokkitt
- Romanesco
- Ropa Sans
- Rosario
- Rosarivo
- Rouge Script
- Rozha One
- Rubik
- Rubik Mono One
- Ruda
- Rufina
- Ruge Boogie
- Ruluko
- Rum Raisin
- Ruslan Display
- Russo One
- Ruthie
- Rye
- Sacramento
- Sahitya
- Sail
- Saira
- Saira Condensed
- Saira Extra Condensed
- Saira Semi Condensed
- Salsa
- Sanchez
- Sancreek
- Sansita
- Sarala
- Sarina
- Sarpanch
- Satisfy
- Scada
- Scheherazade
- Schoolbell
- Scope One
- Seaweed Script
- Secular One
- Sedgwick Ave
- Sedgwick Ave Display
- Sevillana
- Seymour One
- Shadows Into Light
- Shadows Into Light Two
- Shanti
- Share
- Share Tech
- Share Tech Mono
- Shojumaru
- Short Stack
- Shrikhand
- Siemreap
- Sigmar One
- Signika
- Signika Negative
- Simonetta
- Sintony
- Sirin Stencil
- Six Caps
- Skranji
- Slabo 13px
- Slabo 27px
- Slackey
- Smokum
- Smythe
- Sniglet
- Snippet
- Snowburst One
- Sofadi One
- Sofia
- Sonsie One
- Sorts Mill Goudy
- Source Code Pro
- Source Sans Pro
- Source Serif Pro
- Space Mono
- Special Elite
- Spectral
- Spicy Rice
- Spinnaker
- Spirax
- Squada One
- Sree Krushnadevaraya
- Sriracha
- Stalemate
- Stalinist One
- Stardos Stencil
- Stint Ultra Condensed
- Stint Ultra Expanded
- Stoke
- Strait
- Sue Ellen Francisco
- Suez One
- Sumana
- Sunshiney
- Supermercado One
- Sura
- Suranna
- Suravaram
- Suwannaphum
- Swanky and Moo Moo
- Syncopate
- Tangerine
- Taprom
- Tauri
- Taviraj
- Teko
- Telex
- Tenali Ramakrishna
- Tenor Sans
- Text Me One
- The Girl Next Door
- Tienne
- Tillana
- Timmana
- Tinos
- Titan One
- Titillium Web
- Trade Winds
- Trirong
- Trocchi
- Trochut
- Trykker
- Tulpen One
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Condensed
- Ubuntu Mono
- Ultra
- Uncial Antiqua
- Underdog
- Unica One
- UnifrakturCook
- UnifrakturMaguntia
- Unkempt
- Unlock
- Unna
- VT323
- Vampiro One
- Varela
- Varela Round
- Vast Shadow
- Vesper Libre
- Vibur
- Vidaloka
- Viga
- Voces
- Volkhov
- Vollkorn
- Voltaire
- Waiting for the Sunrise
- Wallpoet
- Walter Turncoat
- Warnes
- Wellfleet
- Wendy One
- Wire One
- Work Sans
- Yanone Kaffeesatz
- Yantramanav
- Yatra One
- Yellowtail
- Yeseva One
- Yesteryear
- Yrsa
- Zeyada
- Zilla Slab
- Zilla Slab Highlight
Choose Custom Color
Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option.
Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text.
Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text.
The higher the value, the bigger the blur; the shadow becomes wider and lighter.
The color of the shadow.
- Default
- Georgia
- Times New Roman
- Arial
- Trebuchet
- Verdana
- ABeeZee
- Abel
- Abhaya Libre
- Abril Fatface
- Aclonica
- Acme
- Actor
- Adamina
- Advent Pro
- Aguafina Script
- Akronim
- Aladin
- Aldrich
- Alef
- Alegreya
- Alegreya SC
- Alegreya Sans
- Alegreya Sans SC
- Alex Brush
- Alfa Slab One
- Alice
- Alike
- Alike Angular
- Allan
- Allerta
- Allerta Stencil
- Allura
- Almendra
- Almendra Display
- Almendra SC
- Amarante
- Amaranth
- Amatic SC
- Amethysta
- Amiko
- Amiri
- Amita
- Anaheim
- Andada
- Andika
- Angkor
- Annie Use Your Telescope
- Anonymous Pro
- Antic
- Antic Didone
- Antic Slab
- Anton
- Arapey
- Arbutus
- Arbutus Slab
- Architects Daughter
- Archivo
- Archivo Black
- Archivo Narrow
- Aref Ruqaa
- Arima Madurai
- Arimo
- Arizonia
- Armata
- Arsenal
- Artifika
- Arvo
- Arya
- Asap
- Asap Condensed
- Asar
- Asset
- Assistant
- Astloch
- Asul
- Athiti
- Atma
- Atomic Age
- Aubrey
- Audiowide
- Autour One
- Average
- Average Sans
- Averia Gruesa Libre
- Averia Libre
- Averia Sans Libre
- Averia Serif Libre
- Bad Script
- Bahiana
- Baloo
- Baloo Bhai
- Baloo Bhaijaan
- Baloo Bhaina
- Baloo Chettan
- Baloo Da
- Baloo Paaji
- Baloo Tamma
- Baloo Tammudu
- Baloo Thambi
- Balthazar
- Bangers
- Barrio
- Basic
- Battambang
- Baumans
- Bayon
- Belgrano
- Bellefair
- Belleza
- BenchNine
- Bentham
- Berkshire Swash
- Bevan
- Bigelow Rules
- Bigshot One
- Bilbo
- Bilbo Swash Caps
- BioRhyme
- BioRhyme Expanded
- Biryani
- Bitter
- Black Ops One
- Bokor
- Bonbon
- Boogaloo
- Bowlby One
- Bowlby One SC
- Brawler
- Bree Serif
- Bubblegum Sans
- Bubbler One
- Buda
- Buenard
- Bungee
- Bungee Hairline
- Bungee Inline
- Bungee Outline
- Bungee Shade
- Butcherman
- Butterfly Kids
- Cabin
- Cabin Condensed
- Cabin Sketch
- Caesar Dressing
- Cagliostro
- Cairo
- Calligraffitti
- Cambay
- Cambo
- Candal
- Cantarell
- Cantata One
- Cantora One
- Capriola
- Cardo
- Carme
- Carrois Gothic
- Carrois Gothic SC
- Carter One
- Catamaran
- Caudex
- Caveat
- Caveat Brush
- Cedarville Cursive
- Ceviche One
- Changa
- Changa One
- Chango
- Chathura
- Chau Philomene One
- Chela One
- Chelsea Market
- Chenla
- Cherry Cream Soda
- Cherry Swash
- Chewy
- Chicle
- Chivo
- Chonburi
- Cinzel
- Cinzel Decorative
- Clicker Script
- Coda
- Coda Caption
- Codystar
- Coiny
- Combo
- Comfortaa
- Coming Soon
- Concert One
- Condiment
- Content
- Contrail One
- Convergence
- Cookie
- Copse
- Corben
- Cormorant
- Cormorant Garamond
- Cormorant Infant
- Cormorant SC
- Cormorant Unicase
- Cormorant Upright
- Courgette
- Cousine
- Coustard
- Covered By Your Grace
- Crafty Girls
- Creepster
- Crete Round
- Crimson Text
- Croissant One
- Crushed
- Cuprum
- Cutive
- Cutive Mono
- Damion
- Dancing Script
- Dangrek
- David Libre
- Dawning of a New Day
- Days One
- Dekko
- Delius
- Delius Swash Caps
- Delius Unicase
- Della Respira
- Denk One
- Devonshire
- Dhurjati
- Didact Gothic
- Diplomata
- Diplomata SC
- Domine
- Donegal One
- Doppio One
- Dorsa
- Dosis
- Dr Sugiyama
- Droid Sans
- Droid Sans Mono
- Droid Serif
- Duru Sans
- Dynalight
- EB Garamond
- Eagle Lake
- Eater
- Economica
- Eczar
- El Messiri
- Electrolize
- Elsie
- Elsie Swash Caps
- Emblema One
- Emilys Candy
- Encode Sans
- Encode Sans Condensed
- Encode Sans Expanded
- Encode Sans Semi Condensed
- Encode Sans Semi Expanded
- Engagement
- Englebert
- Enriqueta
- Erica One
- Esteban
- Euphoria Script
- Ewert
- Exo
- Exo 2
- Expletus Sans
- Fanwood Text
- Farsan
- Fascinate
- Fascinate Inline
- Faster One
- Fasthand
- Fauna One
- Faustina
- Federant
- Federo
- Felipa
- Fenix
- Finger Paint
- Fira Mono
- Fira Sans
- Fira Sans Condensed
- Fira Sans Extra Condensed
- Fjalla One
- Fjord One
- Flamenco
- Flavors
- Fondamento
- Fontdiner Swanky
- Forum
- Francois One
- Frank Ruhl Libre
- Freckle Face
- Fredericka the Great
- Fredoka One
- Freehand
- Fresca
- Frijole
- Fruktur
- Fugaz One
- GFS Didot
- GFS Neohellenic
- Gabriela
- Gafata
- Galada
- Galdeano
- Galindo
- Gentium Basic
- Gentium Book Basic
- Geo
- Geostar
- Geostar Fill
- Germania One
- Gidugu
- Gilda Display
- Give You Glory
- Glass Antiqua
- Glegoo
- Gloria Hallelujah
- Goblin One
- Gochi Hand
- Gorditas
- Goudy Bookletter 1911
- Graduate
- Grand Hotel
- Gravitas One
- Great Vibes
- Griffy
- Gruppo
- Gudea
- Gurajada
- Habibi
- Halant
- Hammersmith One
- Hanalei
- Hanalei Fill
- Handlee
- Hanuman
- Happy Monkey
- Harmattan
- Headland One
- Heebo
- Henny Penny
- Herr Von Muellerhoff
- Hind
- Hind Guntur
- Hind Madurai
- Hind Siliguri
- Hind Vadodara
- Holtwood One SC
- Homemade Apple
- Homenaje
- IM Fell DW Pica
- IM Fell DW Pica SC
- IM Fell Double Pica
- IM Fell Double Pica SC
- IM Fell English
- IM Fell English SC
- IM Fell French Canon
- IM Fell French Canon SC
- IM Fell Great Primer
- IM Fell Great Primer SC
- Iceberg
- Iceland
- Imprima
- Inconsolata
- Inder
- Indie Flower
- Inika
- Inknut Antiqua
- Irish Grover
- Istok Web
- Italiana
- Italianno
- Itim
- Jacques Francois
- Jacques Francois Shadow
- Jaldi
- Jim Nightshade
- Jockey One
- Jolly Lodger
- Jomhuria
- Josefin Sans
- Josefin Slab
- Joti One
- Judson
- Julee
- Julius Sans One
- Junge
- Jura
- Just Another Hand
- Just Me Again Down Here
- Kadwa
- Kalam
- Kameron
- Kanit
- Kantumruy
- Karla
- Karma
- Katibeh
- Kaushan Script
- Kavivanar
- Kavoon
- Kdam Thmor
- Keania One
- Kelly Slab
- Kenia
- Khand
- Khmer
- Khula
- Kite One
- Knewave
- Kotta One
- Koulen
- Kranky
- Kreon
- Kristi
- Krona One
- Kumar One
- Kumar One Outline
- Kurale
- La Belle Aurore
- Laila
- Lakki Reddy
- Lalezar
- Lancelot
- Lateef
- Lato
- League Script
- Leckerli One
- Ledger
- Lekton
- Lemon
- Lemonada
- Libre Barcode 128
- Libre Barcode 128 Text
- Libre Barcode 39
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text
- Libre Barcode 39 Text
- Libre Baskerville
- Libre Franklin
- Life Savers
- Lilita One
- Lily Script One
- Limelight
- Linden Hill
- Lobster
- Lobster Two
- Londrina Outline
- Londrina Shadow
- Londrina Sketch
- Londrina Solid
- Lora
- Love Ya Like A Sister
- Loved by the King
- Lovers Quarrel
- Luckiest Guy
- Lusitana
- Lustria
- Macondo
- Macondo Swash Caps
- Mada
- Magra
- Maiden Orange
- Maitree
- Mako
- Mallanna
- Mandali
- Manuale
- Marcellus
- Marcellus SC
- Marck Script
- Margarine
- Marko One
- Marmelad
- Martel
- Martel Sans
- Marvel
- Mate
- Mate SC
- Maven Pro
- McLaren
- Meddon
- MedievalSharp
- Medula One
- Meera Inimai
- Megrim
- Meie Script
- Merienda
- Merienda One
- Merriweather
- Merriweather Sans
- Metal
- Metal Mania
- Metamorphous
- Metrophobic
- Michroma
- Milonga
- Miltonian
- Miltonian Tattoo
- Miniver
- Miriam Libre
- Mirza
- Miss Fajardose
- Mitr
- Modak
- Modern Antiqua
- Mogra
- Molengo
- Molle
- Monda
- Monofett
- Monoton
- Monsieur La Doulaise
- Montaga
- Montez
- Montserrat
- Montserrat Alternates
- Montserrat Subrayada
- Moul
- Moulpali
- Mountains of Christmas
- Mouse Memoirs
- Mr Bedfort
- Mr Dafoe
- Mr De Haviland
- Mrs Saint Delafield
- Mrs Sheppards
- Mukta
- Mukta Mahee
- Mukta Malar
- Mukta Vaani
- Muli
- Mystery Quest
- Neucha
- Neuton
- New Rocker
- News Cycle
- Niconne
- Nixie One
- Nobile
- Nokora
- Norican
- Nosifer
- Nothing You Could Do
- Noticia Text
- Noto Sans
- Noto Serif
- Nova Cut
- Nova Flat
- Nova Mono
- Nova Oval
- Nova Round
- Nova Script
- Nova Slim
- Nova Square
- Numans
- Nunito
- Nunito Sans
- Odor Mean Chey
- Offside
- Old Standard TT
- Oldenburg
- Oleo Script
- Oleo Script Swash Caps
- Open Sans
- Open Sans Condensed
- Oranienbaum
- Orbitron
- Oregano
- Orienta
- Original Surfer
- Oswald
- Over the Rainbow
- Overlock
- Overlock SC
- Overpass
- Overpass Mono
- Ovo
- Oxygen
- Oxygen Mono
- PT Mono
- PT Sans
- PT Sans Caption
- PT Sans Narrow
- PT Serif
- PT Serif Caption
- Pacifico
- Padauk
- Palanquin
- Palanquin Dark
- Pangolin
- Paprika
- Parisienne
- Passero One
- Passion One
- Pathway Gothic One
- Patrick Hand
- Patrick Hand SC
- Pattaya
- Patua One
- Pavanam
- Paytone One
- Peddana
- Peralta
- Permanent Marker
- Petit Formal Script
- Petrona
- Philosopher
- Piedra
- Pinyon Script
- Pirata One
- Plaster
- Play
- Playball
- Playfair Display
- Playfair Display SC
- Podkova
- Poiret One
- Poller One
- Poly
- Pompiere
- Pontano Sans
- Poppins
- Port Lligat Sans
- Port Lligat Slab
- Pragati Narrow
- Prata
- Preahvihear
- Press Start 2P
- Pridi
- Princess Sofia
- Prociono
- Prompt
- Prosto One
- Proza Libre
- Puritan
- Purple Purse
- Quando
- Quantico
- Quattrocento
- Quattrocento Sans
- Questrial
- Quicksand
- Quintessential
- Qwigley
- Racing Sans One
- Radley
- Rajdhani
- Rakkas
- Raleway
- Raleway Dots
- Ramabhadra
- Ramaraja
- Rambla
- Rammetto One
- Ranchers
- Rancho
- Ranga
- Rasa
- Rationale
- Ravi Prakash
- Redressed
- Reem Kufi
- Reenie Beanie
- Revalia
- Rhodium Libre
- Ribeye
- Ribeye Marrow
- Righteous
- Risque
- Roboto
- Roboto Condensed
- Roboto Mono
- Roboto Slab
- Rochester
- Rock Salt
- Rokkitt
- Romanesco
- Ropa Sans
- Rosario
- Rosarivo
- Rouge Script
- Rozha One
- Rubik
- Rubik Mono One
- Ruda
- Rufina
- Ruge Boogie
- Ruluko
- Rum Raisin
- Ruslan Display
- Russo One
- Ruthie
- Rye
- Sacramento
- Sahitya
- Sail
- Saira
- Saira Condensed
- Saira Extra Condensed
- Saira Semi Condensed
- Salsa
- Sanchez
- Sancreek
- Sansita
- Sarala
- Sarina
- Sarpanch
- Satisfy
- Scada
- Scheherazade
- Schoolbell
- Scope One
- Seaweed Script
- Secular One
- Sedgwick Ave
- Sedgwick Ave Display
- Sevillana
- Seymour One
- Shadows Into Light
- Shadows Into Light Two
- Shanti
- Share
- Share Tech
- Share Tech Mono
- Shojumaru
- Short Stack
- Shrikhand
- Siemreap
- Sigmar One
- Signika
- Signika Negative
- Simonetta
- Sintony
- Sirin Stencil
- Six Caps
- Skranji
- Slabo 13px
- Slabo 27px
- Slackey
- Smokum
- Smythe
- Sniglet
- Snippet
- Snowburst One
- Sofadi One
- Sofia
- Sonsie One
- Sorts Mill Goudy
- Source Code Pro
- Source Sans Pro
- Source Serif Pro
- Space Mono
- Special Elite
- Spectral
- Spicy Rice
- Spinnaker
- Spirax
- Squada One
- Sree Krushnadevaraya
- Sriracha
- Stalemate
- Stalinist One
- Stardos Stencil
- Stint Ultra Condensed
- Stint Ultra Expanded
- Stoke
- Strait
- Sue Ellen Francisco
- Suez One
- Sumana
- Sunshiney
- Supermercado One
- Sura
- Suranna
- Suravaram
- Suwannaphum
- Swanky and Moo Moo
- Syncopate
- Tangerine
- Taprom
- Tauri
- Taviraj
- Teko
- Telex
- Tenali Ramakrishna
- Tenor Sans
- Text Me One
- The Girl Next Door
- Tienne
- Tillana
- Timmana
- Tinos
- Titan One
- Titillium Web
- Trade Winds
- Trirong
- Trocchi
- Trochut
- Trykker
- Tulpen One
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Condensed
- Ubuntu Mono
- Ultra
- Uncial Antiqua
- Underdog
- Unica One
- UnifrakturCook
- UnifrakturMaguntia
- Unkempt
- Unlock
- Unna
- VT323
- Vampiro One
- Varela
- Varela Round
- Vast Shadow
- Vesper Libre
- Vibur
- Vidaloka
- Viga
- Voces
- Volkhov
- Vollkorn
- Voltaire
- Waiting for the Sunrise
- Wallpoet
- Walter Turncoat
- Warnes
- Wellfleet
- Wendy One
- Wire One
- Work Sans
- Yanone Kaffeesatz
- Yantramanav
- Yatra One
- Yellowtail
- Yeseva One
- Yesteryear
- Yrsa
- Zeyada
- Zilla Slab
- Zilla Slab Highlight
Choose Custom Color
Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option.
Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text.
Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text.
The higher the value, the bigger the blur; the shadow becomes wider and lighter.
The color of the shadow.
- Default
- Georgia
- Times New Roman
- Arial
- Trebuchet
- Verdana
- ABeeZee
- Abel
- Abhaya Libre
- Abril Fatface
- Aclonica
- Acme
- Actor
- Adamina
- Advent Pro
- Aguafina Script
- Akronim
- Aladin
- Aldrich
- Alef
- Alegreya
- Alegreya SC
- Alegreya Sans
- Alegreya Sans SC
- Alex Brush
- Alfa Slab One
- Alice
- Alike
- Alike Angular
- Allan
- Allerta
- Allerta Stencil
- Allura
- Almendra
- Almendra Display
- Almendra SC
- Amarante
- Amaranth
- Amatic SC
- Amethysta
- Amiko
- Amiri
- Amita
- Anaheim
- Andada
- Andika
- Angkor
- Annie Use Your Telescope
- Anonymous Pro
- Antic
- Antic Didone
- Antic Slab
- Anton
- Arapey
- Arbutus
- Arbutus Slab
- Architects Daughter
- Archivo
- Archivo Black
- Archivo Narrow
- Aref Ruqaa
- Arima Madurai
- Arimo
- Arizonia
- Armata
- Arsenal
- Artifika
- Arvo
- Arya
- Asap
- Asap Condensed
- Asar
- Asset
- Assistant
- Astloch
- Asul
- Athiti
- Atma
- Atomic Age
- Aubrey
- Audiowide
- Autour One
- Average
- Average Sans
- Averia Gruesa Libre
- Averia Libre
- Averia Sans Libre
- Averia Serif Libre
- Bad Script
- Bahiana
- Baloo
- Baloo Bhai
- Baloo Bhaijaan
- Baloo Bhaina
- Baloo Chettan
- Baloo Da
- Baloo Paaji
- Baloo Tamma
- Baloo Tammudu
- Baloo Thambi
- Balthazar
- Bangers
- Barrio
- Basic
- Battambang
- Baumans
- Bayon
- Belgrano
- Bellefair
- Belleza
- BenchNine
- Bentham
- Berkshire Swash
- Bevan
- Bigelow Rules
- Bigshot One
- Bilbo
- Bilbo Swash Caps
- BioRhyme
- BioRhyme Expanded
- Biryani
- Bitter
- Black Ops One
- Bokor
- Bonbon
- Boogaloo
- Bowlby One
- Bowlby One SC
- Brawler
- Bree Serif
- Bubblegum Sans
- Bubbler One
- Buda
- Buenard
- Bungee
- Bungee Hairline
- Bungee Inline
- Bungee Outline
- Bungee Shade
- Butcherman
- Butterfly Kids
- Cabin
- Cabin Condensed
- Cabin Sketch
- Caesar Dressing
- Cagliostro
- Cairo
- Calligraffitti
- Cambay
- Cambo
- Candal
- Cantarell
- Cantata One
- Cantora One
- Capriola
- Cardo
- Carme
- Carrois Gothic
- Carrois Gothic SC
- Carter One
- Catamaran
- Caudex
- Caveat
- Caveat Brush
- Cedarville Cursive
- Ceviche One
- Changa
- Changa One
- Chango
- Chathura
- Chau Philomene One
- Chela One
- Chelsea Market
- Chenla
- Cherry Cream Soda
- Cherry Swash
- Chewy
- Chicle
- Chivo
- Chonburi
- Cinzel
- Cinzel Decorative
- Clicker Script
- Coda
- Coda Caption
- Codystar
- Coiny
- Combo
- Comfortaa
- Coming Soon
- Concert One
- Condiment
- Content
- Contrail One
- Convergence
- Cookie
- Copse
- Corben
- Cormorant
- Cormorant Garamond
- Cormorant Infant
- Cormorant SC
- Cormorant Unicase
- Cormorant Upright
- Courgette
- Cousine
- Coustard
- Covered By Your Grace
- Crafty Girls
- Creepster
- Crete Round
- Crimson Text
- Croissant One
- Crushed
- Cuprum
- Cutive
- Cutive Mono
- Damion
- Dancing Script
- Dangrek
- David Libre
- Dawning of a New Day
- Days One
- Dekko
- Delius
- Delius Swash Caps
- Delius Unicase
- Della Respira
- Denk One
- Devonshire
- Dhurjati
- Didact Gothic
- Diplomata
- Diplomata SC
- Domine
- Donegal One
- Doppio One
- Dorsa
- Dosis
- Dr Sugiyama
- Droid Sans
- Droid Sans Mono
- Droid Serif
- Duru Sans
- Dynalight
- EB Garamond
- Eagle Lake
- Eater
- Economica
- Eczar
- El Messiri
- Electrolize
- Elsie
- Elsie Swash Caps
- Emblema One
- Emilys Candy
- Encode Sans
- Encode Sans Condensed
- Encode Sans Expanded
- Encode Sans Semi Condensed
- Encode Sans Semi Expanded
- Engagement
- Englebert
- Enriqueta
- Erica One
- Esteban
- Euphoria Script
- Ewert
- Exo
- Exo 2
- Expletus Sans
- Fanwood Text
- Farsan
- Fascinate
- Fascinate Inline
- Faster One
- Fasthand
- Fauna One
- Faustina
- Federant
- Federo
- Felipa
- Fenix
- Finger Paint
- Fira Mono
- Fira Sans
- Fira Sans Condensed
- Fira Sans Extra Condensed
- Fjalla One
- Fjord One
- Flamenco
- Flavors
- Fondamento
- Fontdiner Swanky
- Forum
- Francois One
- Frank Ruhl Libre
- Freckle Face
- Fredericka the Great
- Fredoka One
- Freehand
- Fresca
- Frijole
- Fruktur
- Fugaz One
- GFS Didot
- GFS Neohellenic
- Gabriela
- Gafata
- Galada
- Galdeano
- Galindo
- Gentium Basic
- Gentium Book Basic
- Geo
- Geostar
- Geostar Fill
- Germania One
- Gidugu
- Gilda Display
- Give You Glory
- Glass Antiqua
- Glegoo
- Gloria Hallelujah
- Goblin One
- Gochi Hand
- Gorditas
- Goudy Bookletter 1911
- Graduate
- Grand Hotel
- Gravitas One
- Great Vibes
- Griffy
- Gruppo
- Gudea
- Gurajada
- Habibi
- Halant
- Hammersmith One
- Hanalei
- Hanalei Fill
- Handlee
- Hanuman
- Happy Monkey
- Harmattan
- Headland One
- Heebo
- Henny Penny
- Herr Von Muellerhoff
- Hind
- Hind Guntur
- Hind Madurai
- Hind Siliguri
- Hind Vadodara
- Holtwood One SC
- Homemade Apple
- Homenaje
- IM Fell DW Pica
- IM Fell DW Pica SC
- IM Fell Double Pica
- IM Fell Double Pica SC
- IM Fell English
- IM Fell English SC
- IM Fell French Canon
- IM Fell French Canon SC
- IM Fell Great Primer
- IM Fell Great Primer SC
- Iceberg
- Iceland
- Imprima
- Inconsolata
- Inder
- Indie Flower
- Inika
- Inknut Antiqua
- Irish Grover
- Istok Web
- Italiana
- Italianno
- Itim
- Jacques Francois
- Jacques Francois Shadow
- Jaldi
- Jim Nightshade
- Jockey One
- Jolly Lodger
- Jomhuria
- Josefin Sans
- Josefin Slab
- Joti One
- Judson
- Julee
- Julius Sans One
- Junge
- Jura
- Just Another Hand
- Just Me Again Down Here
- Kadwa
- Kalam
- Kameron
- Kanit
- Kantumruy
- Karla
- Karma
- Katibeh
- Kaushan Script
- Kavivanar
- Kavoon
- Kdam Thmor
- Keania One
- Kelly Slab
- Kenia
- Khand
- Khmer
- Khula
- Kite One
- Knewave
- Kotta One
- Koulen
- Kranky
- Kreon
- Kristi
- Krona One
- Kumar One
- Kumar One Outline
- Kurale
- La Belle Aurore
- Laila
- Lakki Reddy
- Lalezar
- Lancelot
- Lateef
- Lato
- League Script
- Leckerli One
- Ledger
- Lekton
- Lemon
- Lemonada
- Libre Barcode 128
- Libre Barcode 128 Text
- Libre Barcode 39
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text
- Libre Barcode 39 Text
- Libre Baskerville
- Libre Franklin
- Life Savers
- Lilita One
- Lily Script One
- Limelight
- Linden Hill
- Lobster
- Lobster Two
- Londrina Outline
- Londrina Shadow
- Londrina Sketch
- Londrina Solid
- Lora
- Love Ya Like A Sister
- Loved by the King
- Lovers Quarrel
- Luckiest Guy
- Lusitana
- Lustria
- Macondo
- Macondo Swash Caps
- Mada
- Magra
- Maiden Orange
- Maitree
- Mako
- Mallanna
- Mandali
- Manuale
- Marcellus
- Marcellus SC
- Marck Script
- Margarine
- Marko One
- Marmelad
- Martel
- Martel Sans
- Marvel
- Mate
- Mate SC
- Maven Pro
- McLaren
- Meddon
- MedievalSharp
- Medula One
- Meera Inimai
- Megrim
- Meie Script
- Merienda
- Merienda One
- Merriweather
- Merriweather Sans
- Metal
- Metal Mania
- Metamorphous
- Metrophobic
- Michroma
- Milonga
- Miltonian
- Miltonian Tattoo
- Miniver
- Miriam Libre
- Mirza
- Miss Fajardose
- Mitr
- Modak
- Modern Antiqua
- Mogra
- Molengo
- Molle
- Monda
- Monofett
- Monoton
- Monsieur La Doulaise
- Montaga
- Montez
- Montserrat
- Montserrat Alternates
- Montserrat Subrayada
- Moul
- Moulpali
- Mountains of Christmas
- Mouse Memoirs
- Mr Bedfort
- Mr Dafoe
- Mr De Haviland
- Mrs Saint Delafield
- Mrs Sheppards
- Mukta
- Mukta Mahee
- Mukta Malar
- Mukta Vaani
- Muli
- Mystery Quest
- Neucha
- Neuton
- New Rocker
- News Cycle
- Niconne
- Nixie One
- Nobile
- Nokora
- Norican
- Nosifer
- Nothing You Could Do
- Noticia Text
- Noto Sans
- Noto Serif
- Nova Cut
- Nova Flat
- Nova Mono
- Nova Oval
- Nova Round
- Nova Script
- Nova Slim
- Nova Square
- Numans
- Nunito
- Nunito Sans
- Odor Mean Chey
- Offside
- Old Standard TT
- Oldenburg
- Oleo Script
- Oleo Script Swash Caps
- Open Sans
- Open Sans Condensed
- Oranienbaum
- Orbitron
- Oregano
- Orienta
- Original Surfer
- Oswald
- Over the Rainbow
- Overlock
- Overlock SC
- Overpass
- Overpass Mono
- Ovo
- Oxygen
- Oxygen Mono
- PT Mono
- PT Sans
- PT Sans Caption
- PT Sans Narrow
- PT Serif
- PT Serif Caption
- Pacifico
- Padauk
- Palanquin
- Palanquin Dark
- Pangolin
- Paprika
- Parisienne
- Passero One
- Passion One
- Pathway Gothic One
- Patrick Hand
- Patrick Hand SC
- Pattaya
- Patua One
- Pavanam
- Paytone One
- Peddana
- Peralta
- Permanent Marker
- Petit Formal Script
- Petrona
- Philosopher
- Piedra
- Pinyon Script
- Pirata One
- Plaster
- Play
- Playball
- Playfair Display
- Playfair Display SC
- Podkova
- Poiret One
- Poller One
- Poly
- Pompiere
- Pontano Sans
- Poppins
- Port Lligat Sans
- Port Lligat Slab
- Pragati Narrow
- Prata
- Preahvihear
- Press Start 2P
- Pridi
- Princess Sofia
- Prociono
- Prompt
- Prosto One
- Proza Libre
- Puritan
- Purple Purse
- Quando
- Quantico
- Quattrocento
- Quattrocento Sans
- Questrial
- Quicksand
- Quintessential
- Qwigley
- Racing Sans One
- Radley
- Rajdhani
- Rakkas
- Raleway
- Raleway Dots
- Ramabhadra
- Ramaraja
- Rambla
- Rammetto One
- Ranchers
- Rancho
- Ranga
- Rasa
- Rationale
- Ravi Prakash
- Redressed
- Reem Kufi
- Reenie Beanie
- Revalia
- Rhodium Libre
- Ribeye
- Ribeye Marrow
- Righteous
- Risque
- Roboto
- Roboto Condensed
- Roboto Mono
- Roboto Slab
- Rochester
- Rock Salt
- Rokkitt
- Romanesco
- Ropa Sans
- Rosario
- Rosarivo
- Rouge Script
- Rozha One
- Rubik
- Rubik Mono One
- Ruda
- Rufina
- Ruge Boogie
- Ruluko
- Rum Raisin
- Ruslan Display
- Russo One
- Ruthie
- Rye
- Sacramento
- Sahitya
- Sail
- Saira
- Saira Condensed
- Saira Extra Condensed
- Saira Semi Condensed
- Salsa
- Sanchez
- Sancreek
- Sansita
- Sarala
- Sarina
- Sarpanch
- Satisfy
- Scada
- Scheherazade
- Schoolbell
- Scope One
- Seaweed Script
- Secular One
- Sedgwick Ave
- Sedgwick Ave Display
- Sevillana
- Seymour One
- Shadows Into Light
- Shadows Into Light Two
- Shanti
- Share
- Share Tech
- Share Tech Mono
- Shojumaru
- Short Stack
- Shrikhand
- Siemreap
- Sigmar One
- Signika
- Signika Negative
- Simonetta
- Sintony
- Sirin Stencil
- Six Caps
- Skranji
- Slabo 13px
- Slabo 27px
- Slackey
- Smokum
- Smythe
- Sniglet
- Snippet
- Snowburst One
- Sofadi One
- Sofia
- Sonsie One
- Sorts Mill Goudy
- Source Code Pro
- Source Sans Pro
- Source Serif Pro
- Space Mono
- Special Elite
- Spectral
- Spicy Rice
- Spinnaker
- Spirax
- Squada One
- Sree Krushnadevaraya
- Sriracha
- Stalemate
- Stalinist One
- Stardos Stencil
- Stint Ultra Condensed
- Stint Ultra Expanded
- Stoke
- Strait
- Sue Ellen Francisco
- Suez One
- Sumana
- Sunshiney
- Supermercado One
- Sura
- Suranna
- Suravaram
- Suwannaphum
- Swanky and Moo Moo
- Syncopate
- Tangerine
- Taprom
- Tauri
- Taviraj
- Teko
- Telex
- Tenali Ramakrishna
- Tenor Sans
- Text Me One
- The Girl Next Door
- Tienne
- Tillana
- Timmana
- Tinos
- Titan One
- Titillium Web
- Trade Winds
- Trirong
- Trocchi
- Trochut
- Trykker
- Tulpen One
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Condensed
- Ubuntu Mono
- Ultra
- Uncial Antiqua
- Underdog
- Unica One
- UnifrakturCook
- UnifrakturMaguntia
- Unkempt
- Unlock
- Unna
- VT323
- Vampiro One
- Varela
- Varela Round
- Vast Shadow
- Vesper Libre
- Vibur
- Vidaloka
- Viga
- Voces
- Volkhov
- Vollkorn
- Voltaire
- Waiting for the Sunrise
- Wallpoet
- Walter Turncoat
- Warnes
- Wellfleet
- Wendy One
- Wire One
- Work Sans
- Yanone Kaffeesatz
- Yantramanav
- Yatra One
- Yellowtail
- Yeseva One
- Yesteryear
- Yrsa
- Zeyada
- Zilla Slab
- Zilla Slab Highlight
Choose Custom Color
Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option.
Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text.
Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text.
The higher the value, the bigger the blur; the shadow becomes wider and lighter.
The color of the shadow.
- Default
- Georgia
- Times New Roman
- Arial
- Trebuchet
- Verdana
- ABeeZee
- Abel
- Abhaya Libre
- Abril Fatface
- Aclonica
- Acme
- Actor
- Adamina
- Advent Pro
- Aguafina Script
- Akronim
- Aladin
- Aldrich
- Alef
- Alegreya
- Alegreya SC
- Alegreya Sans
- Alegreya Sans SC
- Alex Brush
- Alfa Slab One
- Alice
- Alike
- Alike Angular
- Allan
- Allerta
- Allerta Stencil
- Allura
- Almendra
- Almendra Display
- Almendra SC
- Amarante
- Amaranth
- Amatic SC
- Amethysta
- Amiko
- Amiri
- Amita
- Anaheim
- Andada
- Andika
- Angkor
- Annie Use Your Telescope
- Anonymous Pro
- Antic
- Antic Didone
- Antic Slab
- Anton
- Arapey
- Arbutus
- Arbutus Slab
- Architects Daughter
- Archivo
- Archivo Black
- Archivo Narrow
- Aref Ruqaa
- Arima Madurai
- Arimo
- Arizonia
- Armata
- Arsenal
- Artifika
- Arvo
- Arya
- Asap
- Asap Condensed
- Asar
- Asset
- Assistant
- Astloch
- Asul
- Athiti
- Atma
- Atomic Age
- Aubrey
- Audiowide
- Autour One
- Average
- Average Sans
- Averia Gruesa Libre
- Averia Libre
- Averia Sans Libre
- Averia Serif Libre
- Bad Script
- Bahiana
- Baloo
- Baloo Bhai
- Baloo Bhaijaan
- Baloo Bhaina
- Baloo Chettan
- Baloo Da
- Baloo Paaji
- Baloo Tamma
- Baloo Tammudu
- Baloo Thambi
- Balthazar
- Bangers
- Barrio
- Basic
- Battambang
- Baumans
- Bayon
- Belgrano
- Bellefair
- Belleza
- BenchNine
- Bentham
- Berkshire Swash
- Bevan
- Bigelow Rules
- Bigshot One
- Bilbo
- Bilbo Swash Caps
- BioRhyme
- BioRhyme Expanded
- Biryani
- Bitter
- Black Ops One
- Bokor
- Bonbon
- Boogaloo
- Bowlby One
- Bowlby One SC
- Brawler
- Bree Serif
- Bubblegum Sans
- Bubbler One
- Buda
- Buenard
- Bungee
- Bungee Hairline
- Bungee Inline
- Bungee Outline
- Bungee Shade
- Butcherman
- Butterfly Kids
- Cabin
- Cabin Condensed
- Cabin Sketch
- Caesar Dressing
- Cagliostro
- Cairo
- Calligraffitti
- Cambay
- Cambo
- Candal
- Cantarell
- Cantata One
- Cantora One
- Capriola
- Cardo
- Carme
- Carrois Gothic
- Carrois Gothic SC
- Carter One
- Catamaran
- Caudex
- Caveat
- Caveat Brush
- Cedarville Cursive
- Ceviche One
- Changa
- Changa One
- Chango
- Chathura
- Chau Philomene One
- Chela One
- Chelsea Market
- Chenla
- Cherry Cream Soda
- Cherry Swash
- Chewy
- Chicle
- Chivo
- Chonburi
- Cinzel
- Cinzel Decorative
- Clicker Script
- Coda
- Coda Caption
- Codystar
- Coiny
- Combo
- Comfortaa
- Coming Soon
- Concert One
- Condiment
- Content
- Contrail One
- Convergence
- Cookie
- Copse
- Corben
- Cormorant
- Cormorant Garamond
- Cormorant Infant
- Cormorant SC
- Cormorant Unicase
- Cormorant Upright
- Courgette
- Cousine
- Coustard
- Covered By Your Grace
- Crafty Girls
- Creepster
- Crete Round
- Crimson Text
- Croissant One
- Crushed
- Cuprum
- Cutive
- Cutive Mono
- Damion
- Dancing Script
- Dangrek
- David Libre
- Dawning of a New Day
- Days One
- Dekko
- Delius
- Delius Swash Caps
- Delius Unicase
- Della Respira
- Denk One
- Devonshire
- Dhurjati
- Didact Gothic
- Diplomata
- Diplomata SC
- Domine
- Donegal One
- Doppio One
- Dorsa
- Dosis
- Dr Sugiyama
- Droid Sans
- Droid Sans Mono
- Droid Serif
- Duru Sans
- Dynalight
- EB Garamond
- Eagle Lake
- Eater
- Economica
- Eczar
- El Messiri
- Electrolize
- Elsie
- Elsie Swash Caps
- Emblema One
- Emilys Candy
- Encode Sans
- Encode Sans Condensed
- Encode Sans Expanded
- Encode Sans Semi Condensed
- Encode Sans Semi Expanded
- Engagement
- Englebert
- Enriqueta
- Erica One
- Esteban
- Euphoria Script
- Ewert
- Exo
- Exo 2
- Expletus Sans
- Fanwood Text
- Farsan
- Fascinate
- Fascinate Inline
- Faster One
- Fasthand
- Fauna One
- Faustina
- Federant
- Federo
- Felipa
- Fenix
- Finger Paint
- Fira Mono
- Fira Sans
- Fira Sans Condensed
- Fira Sans Extra Condensed
- Fjalla One
- Fjord One
- Flamenco
- Flavors
- Fondamento
- Fontdiner Swanky
- Forum
- Francois One
- Frank Ruhl Libre
- Freckle Face
- Fredericka the Great
- Fredoka One
- Freehand
- Fresca
- Frijole
- Fruktur
- Fugaz One
- GFS Didot
- GFS Neohellenic
- Gabriela
- Gafata
- Galada
- Galdeano
- Galindo
- Gentium Basic
- Gentium Book Basic
- Geo
- Geostar
- Geostar Fill
- Germania One
- Gidugu
- Gilda Display
- Give You Glory
- Glass Antiqua
- Glegoo
- Gloria Hallelujah
- Goblin One
- Gochi Hand
- Gorditas
- Goudy Bookletter 1911
- Graduate
- Grand Hotel
- Gravitas One
- Great Vibes
- Griffy
- Gruppo
- Gudea
- Gurajada
- Habibi
- Halant
- Hammersmith One
- Hanalei
- Hanalei Fill
- Handlee
- Hanuman
- Happy Monkey
- Harmattan
- Headland One
- Heebo
- Henny Penny
- Herr Von Muellerhoff
- Hind
- Hind Guntur
- Hind Madurai
- Hind Siliguri
- Hind Vadodara
- Holtwood One SC
- Homemade Apple
- Homenaje
- IM Fell DW Pica
- IM Fell DW Pica SC
- IM Fell Double Pica
- IM Fell Double Pica SC
- IM Fell English
- IM Fell English SC
- IM Fell French Canon
- IM Fell French Canon SC
- IM Fell Great Primer
- IM Fell Great Primer SC
- Iceberg
- Iceland
- Imprima
- Inconsolata
- Inder
- Indie Flower
- Inika
- Inknut Antiqua
- Irish Grover
- Istok Web
- Italiana
- Italianno
- Itim
- Jacques Francois
- Jacques Francois Shadow
- Jaldi
- Jim Nightshade
- Jockey One
- Jolly Lodger
- Jomhuria
- Josefin Sans
- Josefin Slab
- Joti One
- Judson
- Julee
- Julius Sans One
- Junge
- Jura
- Just Another Hand
- Just Me Again Down Here
- Kadwa
- Kalam
- Kameron
- Kanit
- Kantumruy
- Karla
- Karma
- Katibeh
- Kaushan Script
- Kavivanar
- Kavoon
- Kdam Thmor
- Keania One
- Kelly Slab
- Kenia
- Khand
- Khmer
- Khula
- Kite One
- Knewave
- Kotta One
- Koulen
- Kranky
- Kreon
- Kristi
- Krona One
- Kumar One
- Kumar One Outline
- Kurale
- La Belle Aurore
- Laila
- Lakki Reddy
- Lalezar
- Lancelot
- Lateef
- Lato
- League Script
- Leckerli One
- Ledger
- Lekton
- Lemon
- Lemonada
- Libre Barcode 128
- Libre Barcode 128 Text
- Libre Barcode 39
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text
- Libre Barcode 39 Text
- Libre Baskerville
- Libre Franklin
- Life Savers
- Lilita One
- Lily Script One
- Limelight
- Linden Hill
- Lobster
- Lobster Two
- Londrina Outline
- Londrina Shadow
- Londrina Sketch
- Londrina Solid
- Lora
- Love Ya Like A Sister
- Loved by the King
- Lovers Quarrel
- Luckiest Guy
- Lusitana
- Lustria
- Macondo
- Macondo Swash Caps
- Mada
- Magra
- Maiden Orange
- Maitree
- Mako
- Mallanna
- Mandali
- Manuale
- Marcellus
- Marcellus SC
- Marck Script
- Margarine
- Marko One
- Marmelad
- Martel
- Martel Sans
- Marvel
- Mate
- Mate SC
- Maven Pro
- McLaren
- Meddon
- MedievalSharp
- Medula One
- Meera Inimai
- Megrim
- Meie Script
- Merienda
- Merienda One
- Merriweather
- Merriweather Sans
- Metal
- Metal Mania
- Metamorphous
- Metrophobic
- Michroma
- Milonga
- Miltonian
- Miltonian Tattoo
- Miniver
- Miriam Libre
- Mirza
- Miss Fajardose
- Mitr
- Modak
- Modern Antiqua
- Mogra
- Molengo
- Molle
- Monda
- Monofett
- Monoton
- Monsieur La Doulaise
- Montaga
- Montez
- Montserrat
- Montserrat Alternates
- Montserrat Subrayada
- Moul
- Moulpali
- Mountains of Christmas
- Mouse Memoirs
- Mr Bedfort
- Mr Dafoe
- Mr De Haviland
- Mrs Saint Delafield
- Mrs Sheppards
- Mukta
- Mukta Mahee
- Mukta Malar
- Mukta Vaani
- Muli
- Mystery Quest
- Neucha
- Neuton
- New Rocker
- News Cycle
- Niconne
- Nixie One
- Nobile
- Nokora
- Norican
- Nosifer
- Nothing You Could Do
- Noticia Text
- Noto Sans
- Noto Serif
- Nova Cut
- Nova Flat
- Nova Mono
- Nova Oval
- Nova Round
- Nova Script
- Nova Slim
- Nova Square
- Numans
- Nunito
- Nunito Sans
- Odor Mean Chey
- Offside
- Old Standard TT
- Oldenburg
- Oleo Script
- Oleo Script Swash Caps
- Open Sans
- Open Sans Condensed
- Oranienbaum
- Orbitron
- Oregano
- Orienta
- Original Surfer
- Oswald
- Over the Rainbow
- Overlock
- Overlock SC
- Overpass
- Overpass Mono
- Ovo
- Oxygen
- Oxygen Mono
- PT Mono
- PT Sans
- PT Sans Caption
- PT Sans Narrow
- PT Serif
- PT Serif Caption
- Pacifico
- Padauk
- Palanquin
- Palanquin Dark
- Pangolin
- Paprika
- Parisienne
- Passero One
- Passion One
- Pathway Gothic One
- Patrick Hand
- Patrick Hand SC
- Pattaya
- Patua One
- Pavanam
- Paytone One
- Peddana
- Peralta
- Permanent Marker
- Petit Formal Script
- Petrona
- Philosopher
- Piedra
- Pinyon Script
- Pirata One
- Plaster
- Play
- Playball
- Playfair Display
- Playfair Display SC
- Podkova
- Poiret One
- Poller One
- Poly
- Pompiere
- Pontano Sans
- Poppins
- Port Lligat Sans
- Port Lligat Slab
- Pragati Narrow
- Prata
- Preahvihear
- Press Start 2P
- Pridi
- Princess Sofia
- Prociono
- Prompt
- Prosto One
- Proza Libre
- Puritan
- Purple Purse
- Quando
- Quantico
- Quattrocento
- Quattrocento Sans
- Questrial
- Quicksand
- Quintessential
- Qwigley
- Racing Sans One
- Radley
- Rajdhani
- Rakkas
- Raleway
- Raleway Dots
- Ramabhadra
- Ramaraja
- Rambla
- Rammetto One
- Ranchers
- Rancho
- Ranga
- Rasa
- Rationale
- Ravi Prakash
- Redressed
- Reem Kufi
- Reenie Beanie
- Revalia
- Rhodium Libre
- Ribeye
- Ribeye Marrow
- Righteous
- Risque
- Roboto
- Roboto Condensed
- Roboto Mono
- Roboto Slab
- Rochester
- Rock Salt
- Rokkitt
- Romanesco
- Ropa Sans
- Rosario
- Rosarivo
- Rouge Script
- Rozha One
- Rubik
- Rubik Mono One
- Ruda
- Rufina
- Ruge Boogie
- Ruluko
- Rum Raisin
- Ruslan Display
- Russo One
- Ruthie
- Rye
- Sacramento
- Sahitya
- Sail
- Saira
- Saira Condensed
- Saira Extra Condensed
- Saira Semi Condensed
- Salsa
- Sanchez
- Sancreek
- Sansita
- Sarala
- Sarina
- Sarpanch
- Satisfy
- Scada
- Scheherazade
- Schoolbell
- Scope One
- Seaweed Script
- Secular One
- Sedgwick Ave
- Sedgwick Ave Display
- Sevillana
- Seymour One
- Shadows Into Light
- Shadows Into Light Two
- Shanti
- Share
- Share Tech
- Share Tech Mono
- Shojumaru
- Short Stack
- Shrikhand
- Siemreap
- Sigmar One
- Signika
- Signika Negative
- Simonetta
- Sintony
- Sirin Stencil
- Six Caps
- Skranji
- Slabo 13px
- Slabo 27px
- Slackey
- Smokum
- Smythe
- Sniglet
- Snippet
- Snowburst One
- Sofadi One
- Sofia
- Sonsie One
- Sorts Mill Goudy
- Source Code Pro
- Source Sans Pro
- Source Serif Pro
- Space Mono
- Special Elite
- Spectral
- Spicy Rice
- Spinnaker
- Spirax
- Squada One
- Sree Krushnadevaraya
- Sriracha
- Stalemate
- Stalinist One
- Stardos Stencil
- Stint Ultra Condensed
- Stint Ultra Expanded
- Stoke
- Strait
- Sue Ellen Francisco
- Suez One
- Sumana
- Sunshiney
- Supermercado One
- Sura
- Suranna
- Suravaram
- Suwannaphum
- Swanky and Moo Moo
- Syncopate
- Tangerine
- Taprom
- Tauri
- Taviraj
- Teko
- Telex
- Tenali Ramakrishna
- Tenor Sans
- Text Me One
- The Girl Next Door
- Tienne
- Tillana
- Timmana
- Tinos
- Titan One
- Titillium Web
- Trade Winds
- Trirong
- Trocchi
- Trochut
- Trykker
- Tulpen One
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Condensed
- Ubuntu Mono
- Ultra
- Uncial Antiqua
- Underdog
- Unica One
- UnifrakturCook
- UnifrakturMaguntia
- Unkempt
- Unlock
- Unna
- VT323
- Vampiro One
- Varela
- Varela Round
- Vast Shadow
- Vesper Libre
- Vibur
- Vidaloka
- Viga
- Voces
- Volkhov
- Vollkorn
- Voltaire
- Waiting for the Sunrise
- Wallpoet
- Walter Turncoat
- Warnes
- Wellfleet
- Wendy One
- Wire One
- Work Sans
- Yanone Kaffeesatz
- Yantramanav
- Yatra One
- Yellowtail
- Yeseva One
- Yesteryear
- Yrsa
- Zeyada
- Zilla Slab
- Zilla Slab Highlight
Choose Custom Color
Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option.
Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text.
Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text.
The higher the value, the bigger the blur; the shadow becomes wider and lighter.
The color of the shadow.
- Default
- Georgia
- Times New Roman
- Arial
- Trebuchet
- Verdana
- ABeeZee
- Abel
- Abhaya Libre
- Abril Fatface
- Aclonica
- Acme
- Actor
- Adamina
- Advent Pro
- Aguafina Script
- Akronim
- Aladin
- Aldrich
- Alef
- Alegreya
- Alegreya SC
- Alegreya Sans
- Alegreya Sans SC
- Alex Brush
- Alfa Slab One
- Alice
- Alike
- Alike Angular
- Allan
- Allerta
- Allerta Stencil
- Allura
- Almendra
- Almendra Display
- Almendra SC
- Amarante
- Amaranth
- Amatic SC
- Amethysta
- Amiko
- Amiri
- Amita
- Anaheim
- Andada
- Andika
- Angkor
- Annie Use Your Telescope
- Anonymous Pro
- Antic
- Antic Didone
- Antic Slab
- Anton
- Arapey
- Arbutus
- Arbutus Slab
- Architects Daughter
- Archivo
- Archivo Black
- Archivo Narrow
- Aref Ruqaa
- Arima Madurai
- Arimo
- Arizonia
- Armata
- Arsenal
- Artifika
- Arvo
- Arya
- Asap
- Asap Condensed
- Asar
- Asset
- Assistant
- Astloch
- Asul
- Athiti
- Atma
- Atomic Age
- Aubrey
- Audiowide
- Autour One
- Average
- Average Sans
- Averia Gruesa Libre
- Averia Libre
- Averia Sans Libre
- Averia Serif Libre
- Bad Script
- Bahiana
- Baloo
- Baloo Bhai
- Baloo Bhaijaan
- Baloo Bhaina
- Baloo Chettan
- Baloo Da
- Baloo Paaji
- Baloo Tamma
- Baloo Tammudu
- Baloo Thambi
- Balthazar
- Bangers
- Barrio
- Basic
- Battambang
- Baumans
- Bayon
- Belgrano
- Bellefair
- Belleza
- BenchNine
- Bentham
- Berkshire Swash
- Bevan
- Bigelow Rules
- Bigshot One
- Bilbo
- Bilbo Swash Caps
- BioRhyme
- BioRhyme Expanded
- Biryani
- Bitter
- Black Ops One
- Bokor
- Bonbon
- Boogaloo
- Bowlby One
- Bowlby One SC
- Brawler
- Bree Serif
- Bubblegum Sans
- Bubbler One
- Buda
- Buenard
- Bungee
- Bungee Hairline
- Bungee Inline
- Bungee Outline
- Bungee Shade
- Butcherman
- Butterfly Kids
- Cabin
- Cabin Condensed
- Cabin Sketch
- Caesar Dressing
- Cagliostro
- Cairo
- Calligraffitti
- Cambay
- Cambo
- Candal
- Cantarell
- Cantata One
- Cantora One
- Capriola
- Cardo
- Carme
- Carrois Gothic
- Carrois Gothic SC
- Carter One
- Catamaran
- Caudex
- Caveat
- Caveat Brush
- Cedarville Cursive
- Ceviche One
- Changa
- Changa One
- Chango
- Chathura
- Chau Philomene One
- Chela One
- Chelsea Market
- Chenla
- Cherry Cream Soda
- Cherry Swash
- Chewy
- Chicle
- Chivo
- Chonburi
- Cinzel
- Cinzel Decorative
- Clicker Script
- Coda
- Coda Caption
- Codystar
- Coiny
- Combo
- Comfortaa
- Coming Soon
- Concert One
- Condiment
- Content
- Contrail One
- Convergence
- Cookie
- Copse
- Corben
- Cormorant
- Cormorant Garamond
- Cormorant Infant
- Cormorant SC
- Cormorant Unicase
- Cormorant Upright
- Courgette
- Cousine
- Coustard
- Covered By Your Grace
- Crafty Girls
- Creepster
- Crete Round
- Crimson Text
- Croissant One
- Crushed
- Cuprum
- Cutive
- Cutive Mono
- Damion
- Dancing Script
- Dangrek
- David Libre
- Dawning of a New Day
- Days One
- Dekko
- Delius
- Delius Swash Caps
- Delius Unicase
- Della Respira
- Denk One
- Devonshire
- Dhurjati
- Didact Gothic
- Diplomata
- Diplomata SC
- Domine
- Donegal One
- Doppio One
- Dorsa
- Dosis
- Dr Sugiyama
- Droid Sans
- Droid Sans Mono
- Droid Serif
- Duru Sans
- Dynalight
- EB Garamond
- Eagle Lake
- Eater
- Economica
- Eczar
- El Messiri
- Electrolize
- Elsie
- Elsie Swash Caps
- Emblema One
- Emilys Candy
- Encode Sans
- Encode Sans Condensed
- Encode Sans Expanded
- Encode Sans Semi Condensed
- Encode Sans Semi Expanded
- Engagement
- Englebert
- Enriqueta
- Erica One
- Esteban
- Euphoria Script
- Ewert
- Exo
- Exo 2
- Expletus Sans
- Fanwood Text
- Farsan
- Fascinate
- Fascinate Inline
- Faster One
- Fasthand
- Fauna One
- Faustina
- Federant
- Federo
- Felipa
- Fenix
- Finger Paint
- Fira Mono
- Fira Sans
- Fira Sans Condensed
- Fira Sans Extra Condensed
- Fjalla One
- Fjord One
- Flamenco
- Flavors
- Fondamento
- Fontdiner Swanky
- Forum
- Francois One
- Frank Ruhl Libre
- Freckle Face
- Fredericka the Great
- Fredoka One
- Freehand
- Fresca
- Frijole
- Fruktur
- Fugaz One
- GFS Didot
- GFS Neohellenic
- Gabriela
- Gafata
- Galada
- Galdeano
- Galindo
- Gentium Basic
- Gentium Book Basic
- Geo
- Geostar
- Geostar Fill
- Germania One
- Gidugu
- Gilda Display
- Give You Glory
- Glass Antiqua
- Glegoo
- Gloria Hallelujah
- Goblin One
- Gochi Hand
- Gorditas
- Goudy Bookletter 1911
- Graduate
- Grand Hotel
- Gravitas One
- Great Vibes
- Griffy
- Gruppo
- Gudea
- Gurajada
- Habibi
- Halant
- Hammersmith One
- Hanalei
- Hanalei Fill
- Handlee
- Hanuman
- Happy Monkey
- Harmattan
- Headland One
- Heebo
- Henny Penny
- Herr Von Muellerhoff
- Hind
- Hind Guntur
- Hind Madurai
- Hind Siliguri
- Hind Vadodara
- Holtwood One SC
- Homemade Apple
- Homenaje
- IM Fell DW Pica
- IM Fell DW Pica SC
- IM Fell Double Pica
- IM Fell Double Pica SC
- IM Fell English
- IM Fell English SC
- IM Fell French Canon
- IM Fell French Canon SC
- IM Fell Great Primer
- IM Fell Great Primer SC
- Iceberg
- Iceland
- Imprima
- Inconsolata
- Inder
- Indie Flower
- Inika
- Inknut Antiqua
- Irish Grover
- Istok Web
- Italiana
- Italianno
- Itim
- Jacques Francois
- Jacques Francois Shadow
- Jaldi
- Jim Nightshade
- Jockey One
- Jolly Lodger
- Jomhuria
- Josefin Sans
- Josefin Slab
- Joti One
- Judson
- Julee
- Julius Sans One
- Junge
- Jura
- Just Another Hand
- Just Me Again Down Here
- Kadwa
- Kalam
- Kameron
- Kanit
- Kantumruy
- Karla
- Karma
- Katibeh
- Kaushan Script
- Kavivanar
- Kavoon
- Kdam Thmor
- Keania One
- Kelly Slab
- Kenia
- Khand
- Khmer
- Khula
- Kite One
- Knewave
- Kotta One
- Koulen
- Kranky
- Kreon
- Kristi
- Krona One
- Kumar One
- Kumar One Outline
- Kurale
- La Belle Aurore
- Laila
- Lakki Reddy
- Lalezar
- Lancelot
- Lateef
- Lato
- League Script
- Leckerli One
- Ledger
- Lekton
- Lemon
- Lemonada
- Libre Barcode 128
- Libre Barcode 128 Text
- Libre Barcode 39
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended
- Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text
- Libre Barcode 39 Text
- Libre Baskerville
- Libre Franklin
- Life Savers
- Lilita One
- Lily Script One
- Limelight
- Linden Hill
- Lobster
- Lobster Two
- Londrina Outline
- Londrina Shadow
- Londrina Sketch
- Londrina Solid
- Lora
- Love Ya Like A Sister
- Loved by the King
- Lovers Quarrel
- Luckiest Guy
- Lusitana
- Lustria
- Macondo
- Macondo Swash Caps
- Mada
- Magra
- Maiden Orange
- Maitree
- Mako
- Mallanna
- Mandali
- Manuale
- Marcellus
- Marcellus SC
- Marck Script
- Margarine
- Marko One
- Marmelad
- Martel
- Martel Sans
- Marvel
- Mate
- Mate SC
- Maven Pro
- McLaren
- Meddon
- MedievalSharp
- Medula One
- Meera Inimai
- Megrim
- Meie Script
- Merienda
- Merienda One
- Merriweather
- Merriweather Sans
- Metal
- Metal Mania
- Metamorphous
- Metrophobic
- Michroma
- Milonga
- Miltonian
- Miltonian Tattoo
- Miniver
- Miriam Libre
- Mirza
- Miss Fajardose
- Mitr
- Modak
- Modern Antiqua
- Mogra
- Molengo
- Molle
- Monda
- Monofett
- Monoton
- Monsieur La Doulaise
- Montaga
- Montez
- Montserrat
- Montserrat Alternates
- Montserrat Subrayada
- Moul
- Moulpali
- Mountains of Christmas
- Mouse Memoirs
- Mr Bedfort
- Mr Dafoe
- Mr De Haviland
- Mrs Saint Delafield
- Mrs Sheppards
- Mukta
- Mukta Mahee
- Mukta Malar
- Mukta Vaani
- Muli
- Mystery Quest
- Neucha
- Neuton
- New Rocker
- News Cycle
- Niconne
- Nixie One
- Nobile
- Nokora
- Norican
- Nosifer
- Nothing You Could Do
- Noticia Text
- Noto Sans
- Noto Serif
- Nova Cut
- Nova Flat
- Nova Mono
- Nova Oval
- Nova Round
- Nova Script
- Nova Slim
- Nova Square
- Numans
- Nunito
- Nunito Sans
- Odor Mean Chey
- Offside
- Old Standard TT
- Oldenburg
- Oleo Script
- Oleo Script Swash Caps
- Open Sans
- Open Sans Condensed
- Oranienbaum
- Orbitron
- Oregano
- Orienta
- Original Surfer
- Oswald
- Over the Rainbow
- Overlock
- Overlock SC
- Overpass
- Overpass Mono
- Ovo
- Oxygen
- Oxygen Mono
- PT Mono
- PT Sans
- PT Sans Caption
- PT Sans Narrow
- PT Serif
- PT Serif Caption
- Pacifico
- Padauk
- Palanquin
- Palanquin Dark
- Pangolin
- Paprika
- Parisienne
- Passero One
- Passion One
- Pathway Gothic One
- Patrick Hand
- Patrick Hand SC
- Pattaya
- Patua One
- Pavanam
- Paytone One
- Peddana
- Peralta
- Permanent Marker
- Petit Formal Script
- Petrona
- Philosopher
- Piedra
- Pinyon Script
- Pirata One
- Plaster
- Play
- Playball
- Playfair Display
- Playfair Display SC
- Podkova
- Poiret One
- Poller One
- Poly
- Pompiere
- Pontano Sans
- Poppins
- Port Lligat Sans
- Port Lligat Slab
- Pragati Narrow
- Prata
- Preahvihear
- Press Start 2P
- Pridi
- Princess Sofia
- Prociono
- Prompt
- Prosto One
- Proza Libre
- Puritan
- Purple Purse
- Quando
- Quantico
- Quattrocento
- Quattrocento Sans
- Questrial
- Quicksand
- Quintessential
- Qwigley
- Racing Sans One
- Radley
- Rajdhani
- Rakkas
- Raleway
- Raleway Dots
- Ramabhadra
- Ramaraja
- Rambla
- Rammetto One
- Ranchers
- Rancho
- Ranga
- Rasa
- Rationale
- Ravi Prakash
- Redressed
- Reem Kufi
- Reenie Beanie
- Revalia
- Rhodium Libre
- Ribeye
- Ribeye Marrow
- Righteous
- Risque
- Roboto
- Roboto Condensed
- Roboto Mono
- Roboto Slab
- Rochester
- Rock Salt
- Rokkitt
- Romanesco
- Ropa Sans
- Rosario
- Rosarivo
- Rouge Script
- Rozha One
- Rubik
- Rubik Mono One
- Ruda
- Rufina
- Ruge Boogie
- Ruluko
- Rum Raisin
- Ruslan Display
- Russo One
- Ruthie
- Rye
- Sacramento
- Sahitya
- Sail
- Saira
- Saira Condensed
- Saira Extra Condensed
- Saira Semi Condensed
- Salsa
- Sanchez
- Sancreek
- Sansita
- Sarala
- Sarina
- Sarpanch
- Satisfy
- Scada
- Scheherazade
- Schoolbell
- Scope One
- Seaweed Script
- Secular One
- Sedgwick Ave
- Sedgwick Ave Display
- Sevillana
- Seymour One
- Shadows Into Light
- Shadows Into Light Two
- Shanti
- Share
- Share Tech
- Share Tech Mono
- Shojumaru
- Short Stack
- Shrikhand
- Siemreap
- Sigmar One
- Signika
- Signika Negative
- Simonetta
- Sintony
- Sirin Stencil
- Six Caps
- Skranji
- Slabo 13px
- Slabo 27px
- Slackey
- Smokum
- Smythe
- Sniglet
- Snippet
- Snowburst One
- Sofadi One
- Sofia
- Sonsie One
- Sorts Mill Goudy
- Source Code Pro
- Source Sans Pro
- Source Serif Pro
- Space Mono
- Special Elite
- Spectral
- Spicy Rice
- Spinnaker
- Spirax
- Squada One
- Sree Krushnadevaraya
- Sriracha
- Stalemate
- Stalinist One
- Stardos Stencil
- Stint Ultra Condensed
- Stint Ultra Expanded
- Stoke
- Strait
- Sue Ellen Francisco
- Suez One
- Sumana
- Sunshiney
- Supermercado One
- Sura
- Suranna
- Suravaram
- Suwannaphum
- Swanky and Moo Moo
- Syncopate
- Tangerine
- Taprom
- Tauri
- Taviraj
- Teko
- Telex
- Tenali Ramakrishna
- Tenor Sans
- Text Me One
- The Girl Next Door
- Tienne
- Tillana
- Timmana
- Tinos
- Titan One
- Titillium Web
- Trade Winds
- Trirong
- Trocchi
- Trochut
- Trykker
- Tulpen One
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Condensed
- Ubuntu Mono
- Ultra
- Uncial Antiqua
- Underdog
- Unica One
- UnifrakturCook
- UnifrakturMaguntia
- Unkempt
- Unlock
- Unna
- VT323
- Vampiro One
- Varela
- Varela Round
- Vast Shadow
- Vesper Libre
- Vibur
- Vidaloka
- Viga
- Voces
- Volkhov
- Vollkorn
- Voltaire
- Waiting for the Sunrise
- Wallpoet
- Walter Turncoat
- Warnes
- Wellfleet
- Wendy One
- Wire One
- Work Sans
- Yanone Kaffeesatz
- Yantramanav
- Yatra One
- Yellowtail
- Yeseva One
- Yesteryear
- Yrsa
- Zeyada
- Zilla Slab
- Zilla Slab Highlight
Choose Custom Color
Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option.
Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text.
Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text.
The higher the value, the bigger the blur; the shadow becomes wider and lighter.
The color of the shadow.
By default, elements will extend the full width of their parent element. If you would like to set a custom static width, you can do so using this option.
Setting a maximum width will prevent your element from ever surpassing the defined width value. Maximum width can be used in combination with the standard width setting. Maximum width supersedes the normal width value.
When a minimum height is set, the element will always have a height of at least the amount defined. This supersedes smaller static height values. Unlike height, minimum height does not result in content overflow and will allow the height of your element to remain dynamic.
This sets a static height value for your element. Once set, the height of the element will no longer be determined by its inner content. Content that exceeds the static height of the element will overflow the element wrapper.
Setting a maximum height will prevent your element from ever surpassing the defined height value. As your module content increases and surpasses the maximum height, it will overflow the element wrapper.
Box Shadow
Shift all colors by this amount.
Define how intense the color saturation should be.
Define how bright the colors should be.
Define how distinct bright and dark areas should be.
Invert the hue, saturation, and brightness by this amount.
Travel back in time by this amount.
Define how transparent or opaque this should be.
Blur by this amount.
Modify how this element blends with any layers beneath it. To reset, choose the “Normal” option.
By default, animations will only play once. If you would like to loop your animation continuously you can choose the Loop option here.
Pick from up to five different animation directions, each of which will adjust the starting and ending position of your animated element.
Speed up or slow down your animation by adjusting the animation duration. Units are in milliseconds and the default animation duration is one second.
If you would like to add a delay before your animation runs you can designate that delay here in milliseconds. This can be useful when using multiple animated modules together.
Intensity effects how subtle or aggressive your animation will be. Lowering the intensity will create a smoother and more subtle animation while increasing the intensity will create a snappier more aggressive animation.
Intensity effects how subtle or aggressive your animation will be. Lowering the intensity will create a smoother and more subtle animation while increasing the intensity will create a snappier more aggressive animation.
Intensity effects how subtle or aggressive your animation will be. Lowering the intensity will create a smoother and more subtle animation while increasing the intensity will create a snappier more aggressive animation.
Intensity effects how subtle or aggressive your animation will be. Lowering the intensity will create a smoother and more subtle animation while increasing the intensity will create a snappier more aggressive animation.
Intensity effects how subtle or aggressive your animation will be. Lowering the intensity will create a smoother and more subtle animation while increasing the intensity will create a snappier more aggressive animation.
By increasing the starting opacity, you can can reduce or remove the fade effect that is applied to all animation styles.
Here you can adjust the easing method of your animation. Easing your animation in and out will create a smoother effect when compared to a linear speed curve.
CSS ID & Classes
Custom CSS
This will disable the module on selected devices
Here you can control element overflow on the X axis. If set to scroll, content that overflows static widths or heights will trigger a browser scrollbar. If set to hidden, content overflow will be clipped.
Here you can control element overflow on the Y axis. If set to scroll, content that overflows static widths or heights will trigger a browser scrollbar. If set to hidden, content overflow will be clipped.
Here you can control element position on the z axis. Elements with higher z-index values will sit atop elements with lower z-index values.
This controls the transition duration of the hover animation.
This controls the transition delay of the hover animation.
This controls the transition speed curve of the hover animation.
Tolare Berri landa etxea bost logelaz osatuta dago, lau logela bikoitz eta logela bat laukoitzekoa duena. Hauetako bakoitzak bista edota ikuspegi ezberdinez gozatzeko aukera ematen du, kolore berdez jositako mendi ezberdinez zein zelaiez inguratuta baitago etxea.
Euskadiko hiru probintzietatik ere ez gaude oso urruti:
Donostiatik 31 kilometrotara [28 min], Bilbotik 74 kilometrotara [50 min] eta Gasteizetik 74 kilometrotara [48 min].
Itsasoa, Mendia, Hiria, Tolare Berri-tik gertu!